Jeremy Heere x Reader

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( ohoHOHO I SEE WE HAVE A FEW READERS. andiknowyouskippedsomepartsdontthinkididntnotice)

(Y/N) walked hand in hand with Jeremy, they had been dating for 3 months and they were fairly happy. By 'fairly' I mean Jeremy still had breakdowns about this SQUIP incident and (Y/N) had to wake up in the middle of the night and hold him.



"I love you" (Y/N) said, closing her eyes and resting her head on Jeremy's shoulder as they walked. Jeremy was taken back by this a little, of course they had loved each other but never really said 'I love you'. Their actions spoke louder then their words I guess.

"I- I love you too, (Y/N)" Jeremy smiled, resting his head ontop of (Y/N)'s as they made they're way to the small apartment that they shared. Once they got to the complex (Y/N) ran ahead swinging open the main door and turning around, motioning Jeremy to hurry his ass up. Jeremy sighed, running ahead as well and into the main room then to the elevator which (Y/N) was already at. The elevator dinged, shoving Jeremy in (Y/N) followed after. 

"Dude- whats got you so excited?" Jeremy smiled, "You'll seeeee~" (Y/N) sang. Once they made it to their floor (Y/N) grabbed Jeremy's hand and ran to their door, unlocking and rushing in. Jeremy looked around, seeing nothing special. (Y/N) tackle hugged him into the bed, resting her head on his chest. 

(i got discouraged so heres ur barely even fluff shit have fun )

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