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I overhear the nurse tell my mother and father that I'll need 5 more weeks here. She also says Jonah will be visiting often, bringing me my homework.

"Just because she's injured doesn't mean she won't do school work." She says. I groan. Wait, injured? I thought I was recovering from a serious faint? I lift up the covers, and my right leg is wrapped in a cast.

"Oh shit!" I cry, a little too loudly for my own good. A couple people peer in the door to make sure I'm okay. I awkwardly smile at the nurse that was talking to my parents. She rolls her eyes and continues to chat away. Soon, they aren't talking about me, they're talking about the weather, and their jobs.

"EMERGENCY!! NURSE CORA, GET THIS WOMEN A ROOM!" A doctor commands. The nurses face shows horror and sadness as she rushes away from my parents.

"Sorry!" She yells to my parents as she turns the corner. My parents frown and roll their eyes. They're just so damn selfish, they think they need to chat about their stupid boss at work more than that poor women needed help.

I caught a glimpse at the girl that was an emergency. She had blood sprawling down her body, and she looked paralyzed. I know I am lucky not to be her. I see crutches with a note, "For when you're ready to walk.

"Thank you Jonah!" I whisper to myself and hobble out of my bed. I place the crutches under my arms and steady myself. I use my arms to advance the crutches forward and then jump in front of them. I continue to do this until I reach another nurse.

"Um, excuse me. I'm looking for the girl that just went into the emergency room? I'm guessing I can't see her now, but can I at least get her name?" I plead.

"Oh her? Poor little thing. She is... Here we are. Her name is Darby Wadsworth. She's pretty, but she's a lesbian. Wish I could be friends with her, but I can't. Lesbians just aren't my thing." She replies.

"Thank you ma'am!" I say as I waddle off to my room.

"How lucky am I," I think, "that a super pretty girl just zoomed by me, and we both have injuries! She seems perfect! Darby and Ryann. How lovely does that sound?"

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