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"Darby! Now!" I say as I barge into the hospital doors. By now, all the nurses know me.

"Room 023 now, she'll be moving out tomorrow." Nurse Reynolds replies to me.

"Thanks man!" I say as I high five him. I rush to room 023 and see Darby laying there. Her face is very sleepy and stained red from blood. I kneel over her and shake her shoulders. Her eyes flutter open and she slowly sits up.

"Ryann! Oh my god, is that really you? Ryann! I missed you so much!" Darby cries. I start crying too. Darby has been through so much, and it's all because of that stupid psycho Jonah. I don't even know what I ever saw in him. I hope that one day he rots in jail for all that he did to Darby. How insane do you have to be to push someone in front of a train, kidnap them, bring them across the country to tie them down on train tracks so they die, just because they're a lesbian? How is that harming him at all? What did Darby do to him? Steal me? I would've left him anyways. I left him before I even knew Darby. 

I lay with Darby in her hospital bed, and think about how much she's gone through, all the trauma and pain, just for loving women? The world is messed up sometimes. And by the world, I mean especially Jonah. 

I hope Jonah finds himself. He always seemed a bit homo to me. Who knows, maybe he'll throw himself in front of a train and when he survives he'll kidnap himself and go to Texas. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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