birthday || t.h

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**So yesterday was my 19th birthday and I got the idea to write this imagine. So hope you enjoy!!

Nineteen. 19. Either way you put it, it's still the most pointless age to turn. I was planning on it being a super low key birthday, just spent relaxing with Tom all day at his flat watching a marathon of my favorite movies - rom-coms of course.

When I woke up on the morning of my birthday, I rolled over to find the right side of the bed - Tom's side vacant. Trying not to be too disappointed that I wasn't getting my early morning birthday cuddle, I stretched and let out a dramatic yawn. Sliding my slippers on, I got up out of bed, not bothering to check my appearance in the mirror, because Tom has already experienced plenty of crazy bed head mornings.

You shuffled out of the bedroom and into the main living area of the apartment. You saw Tom with his back to you, standing in front of the stove, most likely making his specialty pancakes that you simply adore. You just stood there, quiet as a mouse, watching in adoration at this man. The way his bicep flexed when he lifted the pan off the stove to flip the pancake. The way he hummed the music from Billy Elliot, and you smirked knowing no matter how old he gets, a part of him will always be Billy. You were too busy admiring you're lovely man, you didn't even notice when he turned around and saw you standing there.

"Oh darling! I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed!" he said pouting as he hurriedly slid the final pancake on to the plate, before making his way over to you.

"Happy birthday baby." He said as he lifted you off the ground, and your legs wrapped around his torso. You hugged him securely as you felt him plant a kiss too your neck. You lifted your head, and placed your hand on the side of his face, and brought your lips to meet his, sweetly and passionately.

"One more year and we will be in the same decade, so I don't have to feel so old." he said smirking as he pecked your lips again, setting you down.

"Hey it's not my fault I'm a baby." you said giving him your pouty face.

"No, but it is your fault that you're as adorable as one," he said grabbing your face in his hand and squeezing your cheeks.

You smiled and blushed at his affection, never failing to forget how lucky you are with the greatest guy there is.

You followed him as he made his way back to the kitchen, and you pulled out a bar stool from the opposite side of the counter.

"Yay!! The infamous Tom Holland pancakes! My favorite!" you squealed excitedly as he finished the stack with a swirl of whipped cream.

"Oh no, looks like I got some on my finger, what ever should I do?" he said sarcastically before you felt his finger on your nose, wiping the whipped cream on it.

"Heyyyyy" you said whining about the sweet white topping on the tip of your nose.

"Oh silly me, here let me get that" he said right before his mouth made contact with your nose, licking the small amount of whipped cream off.

"I guess that works" you said, blushing at the sensual act.
"I've always been one to clean up after the mess I made" he smirked and winked at me before turning to the cabinet and retrieving the box of birthday candles.

My face got hot, and I felt all goosebumpy and tingly as a result of his sexually teasing ways.

"No birthday pancakes are complete without a birthday pancake wish," he said sticking the small multicolored candle in the center of the decadent breakfast stack, before he lit it with a match.

He put the plate in front of me while I pretended to think long and hard about a worthy wish. After "much deliberation" I blew out my candles before taking my first delicious bite of pancakes.

Once the two of us had finished our decadent and scrumptious breakfast, I made my way to the sink plate in hand to give to Tom who was loading the dishwasher.

"So what do you think Birthday girl? Wish gonna come true?" He asked standing back up after putting the last dirty dish in the wash.

"Well I don't know hot stuff, considering we aren't in the bedroom yet" I said trying my best to sound seductive and teasing.

"Oh okay I see" Tom said his eyes becoming hungry.

Before I knew it, I felt myself being picked up, my legs instinctively wrapped around his body, and his hands quickly finding my ass.

"Your wish is my command darling" he said before entering the bedroom and laying me down on my back.

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