that voice || t.h

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If you have seen the movie The Last Song, there is a scene in the movie that I modeled this after. Enjoy.

"If someone said 3 years from now, you'd be long gone, I'd stand up and punch them out, cuz' there all wrong" you sang as you made your bed that morning. Music was always and has always been a part of your life, for as long as you could remember. Even your mom said you would go around the house as a young girl singing songs you had made up as you went along. Singing was something that you used to take more seriously, in high middle school competitions at the county level but beyond that it was a talent that has since remained unknown to most.

You didn't sing in front of most people though. Not because you were scared necessarily of what they would think — well maybe. But more so because it was your thing and it didn't seem like all that big of a deal.


"Hey babe," Tom said over the phone. He was leaving a meeting in Manhattan discussing scripts and all that Hollywood stuff that quite frankly you didn't understand. "What do you say to getting some food and heading down to the river to watch the sunset. Ever since one of you and Tom's first dates, this was one of your favorite things to do. You would go to Williamsburg, Brooklyn and sit in a parking lot while you watched the sun go down over the skyline.

"I would say yes!" you replied eagerly.

"Pick you up in 20?" he asked

"See you in 20. Love you"

"Love you too darling"


As promised Tom was buzzing up to your apartment 20 minutes later. You had decided on some takeout from your favorite takeout Chinese food place.

It was 6:45 PM when Tom rolled the car into the parking lot and stopped. The smell of Chinese food was making your mouth water. As the sunset started to become the most beautiful array of watercolors in the sky, you and Tom began feasting.

"Coming up next on this night of throwbacks is Maroon 5 'She Will Be Loved'

"Ugh I love this song" you said excitedly between chopstick bites of lo mein.

"Ask her if she wants to stay awhile, and she will be loved, and she will be loved"

"Woah" Tom said looking at you.

It was than that you realized you had just been singing along to the song for the past 10 seconds.

"Where have you been hiding that voice all this time?" Tom asked, a look of shock still planted on his face.

"What do you mean?" you asked blushing trying to play coy.

"I mean what just came out of your mouth was one of the most angelic things I've ever heard," he said. "How come I've never heard you sing before?"

"I dont know," you said shyly. "It's not something I do around anyone really. I'm more of a private concert in front of my mirror kind of girl," you said jokingly.

"Well not this time," he said turning the radio louder. "Come on I've got to hear more of that voice.

"Oh no Tom this is embarrassing" you said.

"It's gonna be more embarrassing when I start singing along" he said

"SHE WILLL BE LOVED" he started singing off tune just to make you laugh.

"Oh god no, anything but that" you said teasing. Finally realizing Tom wasn't going to take no for an answer you joined back in again.

As the sun went down and the food disappeared, you couldn't help but smile at how perfect this night had turned out to be.


After brushing your teeth and washing your face later that night — you were spending the night at Tom's apartment — you phone buzzed from where it was set charging on the bed side table.

Quickly drying your hands and making your way over to see what it was, you saw the notification across your screen

@tomholland2013 made a post

You opened up Instagram wondering what it could be when you open up to a video from earlier in the night of you singing. Tom had taken it without you even realizing. You didn't know whether to be happy or mad.

The caption read "Apparently I've been dating The Little Mermaid this whole time..... didn't know she had a voice like that"

"Babe!" you said calling from the bedroom. Tom came in from the kitchen with his nightly cup of tea.

"You posted a video of me singing!" you said, trying your best to sound annoyed.

"Of course" he said matter of factly. "The world can no longer be spared a talent like that," he said caressing the side of your face and planting a kiss on your lips. 

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