two lines || t.h.

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You woke up, the light coming through the window, hitting you like a ton of bricks. Suddenly you felt your stomach churn.

No. Please not again. Within minutes you had your head over the bowl, giving up whatever was in your stomach that just wasn't sitting right.

3 days in a row. At first you thought it was just something you ate. But now your head is going to the other possibility. The scarier possibility.

Tom was away for the weekend for an event. You unfortunately could not get the time off of work, seeing how it was in another country.

You took a shower and got dressed noticing certain parts of your body were slightly more sensitive than usual. Clue 2.

You drove to the local Walgreens and bought 3 different tests. It's always good to be extra positive you thought.

You got home and just stared at the bag. Once you took the tests you had an answer one way or the other. Were you ready for that? No matter what the tests read?

After what felt like an hour thinking of everything that had the potential to happen within the next couple of minutes, you went to the bathroom.

You took the first test out of the box and read the instructions. One line is negative. 2 lines is positive. Wait 3-5 minutes. Should be easy enough you thought.

You took the test, put it under a paper towel and walked out of the bathroom.

You knew 3-5 minutes would feel like an eternity if you were just waiting for the lines to appear. After putting away some of Tom's clothes you decided it was time.

You entered the bathroom. Suddenly it dawned on you the impact of this moment. If it was only one line that would be okay you thought. You and Tom weren't even really trying yet. Sure you had talked about the idea of kids and all, in the future.

But if it read yes, what than? Were you ready to be a mom? Was Tom in the position to be a dad? Is this what he wants right now in his career? How will it make him feel towards you?

All of these questions raced through your head that you didn't even realize you had lifted the paper towel. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"Our path is our destiny. Whatever is meant to be will be" you thought, before looking down.

Wow. You picked it up and looked more closely, wanting to make sure you were seeing it correctly.

"2 lines," you whispered out loud. Your eyes welled up with tears and your hand covered your mouth in shock. You decided to pick up a camera and start filming. You had to have a creative way to tell Tom anyway.


You had finished editing the pregnancy reaction/announcement video. You burned it onto a disc and put it into a sleeve, and wrote Next Chapter. You decided to tape it to the door so that when Tom got back tonight he would see it first thing.

Now all that was left to do was wait.

An hour later.

"Hey babe." Tom called coming through the door.

He was holding the CD.

I ran up to him and jumped in his arms. Boy was I happy he was home.

"Someone's happy to see me" he said chuckling at my excited reaction, before he kissed me.

"Also," he said turning his attention back to the CD. "I found this on the door. Do you know what it is?" he asked suspiciously

"I don't know" you said coyly. "Let's watch it" leading him to the TV


September 7th 2016 Our Story Began.

The words came across the screen. The song The Time of My Life by David Cook was playing as the background music.

A picture montage documenting some of the most special moments in your love story flashed across.

August 11 2018 A New Chapter Began

Suddenly you were on screen holding the positive pregnancy test in your hand, eyes filled with tears. "So..... I'm pregnant" you said smiling in shock.

"And just to be sure" the camera panned to three more pregnancy tests, the final one reading 'Pregnant 4-6'

The camera came back to you, as you looked down and put your hand on your stomach.

"Hi there," you heard yourself say.

The video of you cut and the words "Welcome Home Daddy - Can't Wait to meet you in 32 weeks"

You finally looked to Tom. His eyes were wide with tears. He looked back at you, words unable to come to him yet.

Finally he said "Is this for real?"

You nodded smiling pulling out a Spiderman baby onesie you had picked up the day after you found out.

He instantly hugged you, a hug that felt like he would never let go. You heard him let out one sniffle, before he released from the hug and put his hands on either side of your head.

"We're gonna be parents" he said, a smile coming to his face as those words came out of his mouth. He kissed you sweetly, a smile still planted on his face.

"Yeah" you said back, your foreheads touching, gazing into each others eyes. "Are you happy?" you asked still somewhat concerned that it hadn't quite sunk in.

"Are you kidding me?" he asked. "This is the best day of my life"

"Are we ready for this?" you asked thinking about the prospect of caring for another human being.

"No one is ever ready. But that doesn't mean you're not gonna be the best mom there ever was." he said

"Ditto daddy" you said back. 

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