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A/n This gonna be short

YASSS THE WEEKEND! Unfortunately i have to spend it with my idiot brother Zeus.

I called up my "jerk". His name is Le Apollo. He's really not a jerk, but I'm B** and He's jerk. 

We do Stupidly funny things. Like yell Pudding and Drop our pants. Fangirl over Destiel cannons ya know?

I jumped off the last sair of the bus my siblings following behind. Well not Zeus and Hera. They have to deal with the Majors.


"Move!" hades wispered yelled

I laughed and Opened the door

"Hey Mum?" I yelled

"Yes Sweetie?" My Moms voice came from the kitchen with the wafting smell of Cookies.

me and hades locked eyes before racing to the kitchen.

I swore i herd demeter sigh

Hades got there first because i tripped over my feet

very graceful!

a hand was reached out to me.

I took it.

And I saw my bother hades with a bowl of a Variety of cookies.

Chocolate chip(colored Black), Sugar(Colored Purple),White Macadamia nut (colored Pink). 

I attempted to grab a cookie. i ended up with a slapped and a bowl of cookies (from Mum Not hades)

"mum?" I asked

"yes?" She replied

"Can Apollo come over?" i tried a inconspicuous puppy dog eyes

She laughed "Of corse."

I texted Apollo

To: Apollo

From: ME

Yo Dude! My mum said yes! Get cho Self over here!

From: Apollo

To: ME

Haha Ok dude be there in 5!

I have awesome friends. And an Awesome Crush! 

And a not so great Rival that is dating my crush.


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