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It was Saturday night. She spent the whole whole week surveying her OTP. Hades X Persephone. She can have a ship name for it yet but she's been trying to get them together for a while because... Well I'm the goddess of love, I'm a Matchmaker! She wants to get them together and then after a week or so added dramas to make it suspenseful and interesting to other people. Maybe I could spread rumors about somebody liking Persephone oh my God I could be Zeus. I mean it wouldn't be that far-fetched has like the most every girl in the school and once he got his way he got over her. But maybe she wouldn't have to do that, there was Persephone's Guardian after all. She freaking hates Hades. Little did they know that she knew the reason why she hated him. You see her guardian not her mother not her father, her guardian had one to marry Kronos. So technically seeing Hades is a scab for her. On top of that she also doesn't think he's strong enough to protect her like what's he going to do shove them? She couldn't wait for the Hades Athena versus the Hera and Zeus fight on Monday. Of course it's going to be hidden from Chronos because Titans knows what do you do if you find out three of his children are fighting and the ace star student too. She hopes it works, I mean one time hectates magic failed. Ares called her, said he saw Haiti that's a weapon shop so maybe who knows maybe he's going to get ripped before the fight. She doubted look as hot as Ares though. She kept thinking about what she did to Hephaestus earlier. Of course there's a part of her that it's eating away at. I mean he's cute and when he fiddles with his hands and stuff. But for some reason she didn't really care the big part of her brain said that he was just ugly. Of course there would be people who disagreed. Cough Esperanza cough. How many friends did Hephaestus have again? Hades, Hestia, Athena kinda, Orion, Dionysus and that's about it. The only when you really have to worry about in terms of getting hurt wise would probably be Orion. He's a hunter. I'm going to tell you a secret I think he has a crush on Artemis. Here's an even bigger one, I think Artemis likes him back. But God forbid she tells Apollo because then he'd go off and shoot him to death or something. But can that even happen I mean were like immortal. She has it all planned out about how to get Hades X Persephone together now. It will have to start tomorrow then.

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