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Im writing this in school and on a computer so it may be weird.

Aphrodite sent a letter to Persephone and Hades for a 'Hangout.' That was an hour ago. she had ditched them leaving them alone togther, but little did they know she was following them the whole time. Hades was a big ball of blushing while Persephone more...Open? no...Ruthless? no. She had found her word. Feirce . ( credit to @JeanangelieVazquez ) It was FABULOS.  SHe listeed in on thier conversation.

"Hey Steph?" Hades fumbled his face a tomato.


"what'd you wanna tell me the other day?" 

Persephone blushed "Hmm, Well i wanted to know if you could help me with something."

"with what?"

She smiled so innocenty it was a surprise to hear what cameout of her mouth. " Im doing a project of our favorite place, i picked the underworld."

'You LIKE the underworld??" Hades had a look of shock on his face

"Yeah why? Can you help me or not? i want to visit the underworld."

i forgot to be stealthy and fell out of the tree i was in, and i fell right at thier feet. My binoculars got picked up by hades, while persephone helped me up. "well look like a little bird is a spy." Persephone put her hands on her hips. Hades asked at the same time as Persephone, "why?"

"UGH! YOU TWO ARE SO CLUELESS! YOU BOTH LIKE EACHOTHER! YOU TWO ARE SO OBLIVIOUS ITS REDICULOS!" by this time in my rant they wer red-er than blood. "IM TRYING TO GET YOU TWO TOGETHER! IT IS HASEPHONE! OTP! YOU GUYS GO ON A DAM DATE! LIKE NOW" I started to push them twords the food court. but before they got there, "OI HADES!" And there i saw Kronos. King Of the Universe. He nodded to persephone and wispered something into his ear, then flashed out. but his face went ghostly white. And then Promtly Passed out. Ugh why is match making so hard???

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