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Apollo sighed. He didn't think She would take it this far. Artemis is crazy. Why would Hectate even loan her this book? I mean it's freaking crazy! Why did she have to make me her slave I mean she already has the hunters. Is this payback for something I did to her a long time ago maybe a prank? But she's my little sister I don't want to be her slave I mean I'm the older one! I'll try to get my mom to do something when she gets back I mean she won't let her do this right? Would my mom even know how to fix this I need it as a spell what I have to go to go to a teacher or hectate but she had to give her the book would she even helped me in the first place she would   want to help my sister not me. This is great just great ugh. Maybe Lord Kronos could do something he's the king of the universe after all. But I don't want to go running to the principal for to escape my problems. And I can't be your slave no I can't. Zeus and Hera would make fun of me even more and what helios think? Hermes hed laugh his ass off at me.
" you know you suck Artemis." I tried to say Artie but it won't let me I guess that's part of the order thingy.
My sister started to Maniac  laugh like a crazy person but is shes always always been crazy.
I found at her and Scoot away a bit. I grab a present and I looked at the wrapping Apollo it said I ripped open the golden wrapping to reveal a gift I really wanted for a long time. It was a golden  arrows , well I've always had some but I always need more. By the time I finish thinking about that I heard the door open and my mother came in she smiled and Artemis just smiled back at her like nothing happened.

That little gremlin is going to be the death of me. Is Daphne still dating me or did we break up I really don't want to break up with her I mean I love her. If we are still dating will she dumped me for this I mean she's not a feminist stick person or anyting she likes big strong men not a dude he's a slave to his little sister.

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