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I walked down to the park, i was meeting Triton, he needed help to break up with amphrite. Of course i was game. It was Monday but we had school off due to meetings. Triton showed up about five minutes later. i was sitting on a swing not moving very much.  "Im Just curious why do  you want to help?" He asked leaning on a big oak tree. I felt unease stir within my gut. " becase i think-" I was cutoff by someone yelling. "WHAT? Because It'd help me?  A girl came out of the river. One that i knew well. It was Amphrite.My crush amphrite.Triton started to talk to her 'babe listen.." he started, But then she started on him. "OH DON'T YOU START MR! YOU LIED TO ME!AND IF YOU WANTED TO END IT JUST TALK TO ME!" amphrite yelled at him.Triton started to leave. When he was out of sight she rounded back on me "YOU HELPED HIM! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU! I THOUGH YOU WERE MY FRIEND!" I saw tears in her eyes.
"look-" I started but she had already stormed off. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I ran home. I threw the door open and ran to my room. I flopped on my bed and cried and cried. When I turned on my back, Zues was in my door way.
'Girl troubles?' I was surprised by the kindness in his voice. 'Look I know I've been a royal jerk and all but wanna talk? I know you do this thing with Hades but he's out somewhere- so wanna talk?"
I nodded smally.He sat down next to me. 'Amphrite?'
I nodded again. 'Well you could always kidnap-" he stopped mid sentence because he saw the major death-glare he was giving him.
'Try to reason I guess.'was his last sentence before he walked out.

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