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Kronos lead us to his office witch im sure Zues had memorized by now. We sat on the couch in twos, leaving a large space inbetween us. 

"Half of my children...Hera..Zues.. And Hades." My father looked at me. "This behaivor is normal for Zues and Hera but not you Hades. Im dissapointed in you." He turned to Athena " Athena this is also very unlike you. I will be Alerting your Mother. You may leave Athena." Athena left the room.  " You Three best be prepared for when your Mother hears about this. Zues and Hera leave. I need a word with Hades."  

They left the office and headed home. Im screwed.
"I want to hear it from your Side Hades. Zues And Hera always say the same thing. 'they deserved it'; "Now tell me what happened- exactly."

" so I was sitting on my bed in my room with Poseidon and then Zeus and Hera came back from detention. Hera demanded me to make food for her and then I said and I quote "do I look like mother? And if I do you must need really thick glasses." And then a little while later, Athena and Persephone came over and told me that they challenged me to a fight." Hades told the truth.
" they were still mad about the black goo thing which they blamed me for. They still blame me for that even though I didn't do it." Hades also confessed.

Kronos nodded "Ok. And do you have an awnser for me?"

I paled. I didn't want to think about it. Nope. Nada. I shakily said That I don't have an awnser.
"Oh and were getting a new girl." Kronos added before dismissing me home. I walked home to see Athena pacing my door step.
"Oh my gods do you have detention?" She asked
I shook my head no.
"What happened then?" She asked.
"He wanted to know what happened when they challenged us." I shrugged
"What did you say?" Her eyes widend
"The truth.." we had been walking to my room, I stopped talking when I saw my sword on my closet. It had the initials CHF.

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