Because Of You

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Dick walked out of the infirmary, rubbing his arms lightly. The area was quiet, much to his relief, except for the sound of a bag of chips being opened. He looked around the corner to see the freckled speedster he loved so much reaching into a bag of chips, and smiled to himself.

The speedster munched happily on a few barbecue flavored chips, licking his lips and savoring the flavor, too distracted by the crunchy snack to notice the bluebird approach him.

Just as he set down the bag, two arms wrapped around him from behind, causing the speedster to jump slightly, and a laugh to escape the bird's lips.

He turned his head and locked eyes with Dick, who smiled at him, his head tilted slightly. "You know, you sure do get scared easily." The blue bird teased, earning a smile from the freckled speedster.

"Hey, you snuck up on me!" Wally defended through a slight laugh, his arms wrapped around the other's waist. Dick laughed softly, looking into the other's emerald eyes.

"I forgot to thank you earlier." He spoke, his voice soft.

"For?" Wally questioned, his head now tilted in confusion. Dick smiled. "Everything. For coming back. For being there for me. For never leaving my side. For never giving up on me. If it wasn't for you, I don't know where I'd be right now." Dick responded.

"Anybody would've done the same thing I have, 'Wing." Wally responded empathetically. Dick shook his head gently, resting his head against the other's chest. He closed his eyes as he listened to the other's steady heartbeat.

Wally pinched his lover's chin, tilting his head upward and placing a gentle, soft, loving kiss on his pink lips. He pulled away and rested his forehead against the other's, a smile on his face.

"Dick, I would do anything for you. I... I love you too much to let anything happen to you." Wally spoke, his eyes on the younger bird.

Dick brightened at his words before placing his hands on either side of Wally's face and pressing his lips against his in a loving and sweet kiss.

"Oh?" A certain blonde's voice was heard, and as the two broke apart and turned their heads, their eyes landed on none other than Artemis, who had the rest of the team with her. Wally began to speak but Artemis held up a hand.

"Calm down, you guys. I'm not angry. Just glad that you two have finally realized you belong together. After five plus years." She smirked.

M'gann's eyes widened before she flew over and engulfed the two in a tight hug, smiling brightly. "Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!" She squealed, letting go.

"As are we." Kaldur spoke, smiling brightly. The rest of the team congratulated them, and for the first time in forever, Dick knew things where gonna be Ok.

                      The End.

(I know, I know. Corny ending. But, who knows. I might end up adding another part or something. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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