If I fall... (Sequel to Seeing Red) (Naruto fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read Seeinig Red and Everyone reading this!

"Damn you sky, damn you grass, damn you tree, damn you Konoha...." I groaned as I fell down for the hundredth time. This time, I hit grass, not dirt. My hair being held back by my hodie and nothing hitting my face cuase of my anbu mask.

I sighed and waited.... and waited and waited. Realizing that no one was there like last time, I dragged myself up painstakingly.

Only to fall again. "GODDAMN IT!" I shouted and decieded to sleep. But of course, with my luck there had to be a fight somewhere nearby. Angry, I kicked a hole in a famialr looking cave. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP IN HERE, SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP YA KNOW!!! GODDAMN YOU ALL!!!!" I screamed and threw random weapons at everyone.


"Who the hell is she?" I turned and sweatdropped to find a familar blond tranny and his partner. Then I looked down and saw a famialr team.

"...Where am I?" I asked the team.

"..Akatsuki base, near Sunagakure." I froze and went to a emo corner.

"I have a worse sense of direction than Ryoga..... AND HE GOT LOST LOOKING FORHIS OWN BACKYARD!!!!" I screamed and anime cried in the corner.

"Ummm... who are you?" Kakashi asked. I glared at him from behind my mask.


"You're an idiot." I went back to crying in the emo corner.  I coud sense them sweatdropping.

"WAIT A MINUTE! NO WAY! K-" I covered naruto's mouth.

"My identy is supposed to be secret. He sweatdropped.

"No one else acts like you though..." he pointed out. I hit him on the head. 

"Huh?" I looked at the rest of Team 7.  Naruto was the one to figure out? Really?

"OI! PAY ATTENTION UN!" I jumped up, pulling Naruto out of the way of a bomb.  I glared at him.

"SHUT UP DEI!" I threw a real anvil at him. He of course dodged.

He looked confused, of course no one called him that for a while.


"NO WAYY!" he yelled shaking his head. I rolled my eyes behind my mask at his stupidity.

"What's your name?" Kakashi asked me distrust. I deadpanned t him.

"Call me Namida." I told him. He nodded. "I'm from leaf." I assured him. 

He probably didn't belive me. 

"Well, if that's all, I'll be taking the Shukaku now, good day." and the tranny boarded his bird and took... garaa's body.

My eyes widened and my blood ran cold. "The Kazekage..." I mumbled. Naruto was ver, let me repeat, very pissed off.

'GET BACK HERE!!!" He ran right out the doorway...that I didn't know existed. 

"Naruto!' I complained as I chased after him with Kakashi. Kakashi glared at me. Suddenly he bloccked the exit.

"...Take off your mask, or I'll stop you right here." I sighed and did as he wanted. His eyes widened, face flushing red entirely. I rolled my eyes and replaced it and unziped my jacket to show my headband hung around my neck. His face went redder if that was possible.

"I lied bout my name." I admitted. He shook off the glare. "So what's your name." I nearly facefaulted at this statement.

"You still can't tell who I am?" I asked him incredously. He eyed me with distrust and shook his head. I sghed and pushed past him to chase Naruto. Seriously, waht's wrong with the world?

If I fall... (Sequel to Seeing Red) (Kakashi Love Story) AdoptedWhere stories live. Discover now