Took Ya Long Enough...

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"OBA-SAN!" Naruto shouted as we entered Tsunade's office. Her head perked up as she noticed us. Her eyes then flitted to me and she sighed.

"Why were you late?" she aimed at me. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I... sorta got lost!" I laughed. She facepalmed and sweatdropped at the same time. I made a peace sign.

"Just go home." she pleaded. I walked over to the window.

"SEE YA!" And I jumped out the window and headed home.

Once I was home, I took off my jacket and my mask. 

"MEERP!" I acounced to the world before cahnging into my normal shinobi clothes.

Creak.... Kakashi came in. He froze.

....."Yo." I made a peace sign.

He growled angrily. "Who the hell do you think you are?" he asked me. I sighed and stared him straight in the eyes.

"Really?" I asked. It's only been like 2.5 years! I think.....make that 2.7. I got lost.

HE glared at me for a moment beofre he had an ephiphany. Suddenly, his eye turn to a white circle and he glanced backwards where an image of me, 23 randomly appeared.

"Y-you can't be Kunashi." I rose an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked, not understanding.

"Because, she was plain, flatchested, boring looking-" he continued on. An irk mark grew on my forehead.

"And you're the polar oppisite-" and he began ranting on again. Isighed and looked at the ceiling. Kakashi was even stupider than Naruto.... and that's saying something.

He noticed my silence. "...are you really Kunashi?" he tried. I sighed and swung myself of the couch. 

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!?!? HUH? WHO ELSE WOULD BE STANDING HERE WASTING FUCKING TIME!?!?!?" I screamed and punched him all the way to the other side of the village. Basterd....

I transported there to see Kakashi foaming through his mask, arms at akward positions.... Maybe he should go to the hospital? I sighed and picked up my stupid boyfriend and headed for the hospital.

"Excuse me?" I called. A nurse came over to bring Kakashi to the emergancy room. Nobody shall ever know that I nearly killed him...

I followed her into the room where I sat down on the ceiling. After a while, a nurse came up to me with a mask.

"Ummm... can you wear this or leave? You're distracting the male doctors." I looked around confused and saw that some doctors had been staring at me. I sighed and took the silver fabric mask.

"Meh." I mumbled from the backgorund. Stupid Kakashi. Eventully, I leaerned that Kakashi was gonna have to stay in the hospital for a while.... serves him right. 

So, I decieded to go to Tsunade's office for a misson. Not a crappy one like I spent almost 3 years doing, a proper one.

"OBAA-SAN!" I shouted entering her room randomly. She sighed and didn;t look up.

"Is there any misson for Team 7?" I asked. She finally looked up.

"Yes, where's Kakashi?" I froze and started laughing nervously. 

'I sorta... hospitalized him!" I laughed again. An irk mark appeared on her forehead. 

She sighed again. "Then you'll have to lead it. I'm assigning the team another Anbu." I barely processed her words.

"KAY! Wait... another anbu?" I asked, ocnfused.

"...Danzo from the foundation has put one of his ROOT anbu on the team in place of Saskue. I growled. I heard about him from Itachi....basterd.

"The other Black OPs is named Tenzou. He will be called Yamato. I'll tell everyone else about the misson, get ready." she told me. I sighed and vanished.


"WHERE IS KUNASHI SENSEI!?!?!? CHA!" Sakura punched a tree down. I sighed at my team. I had been sitting there for 13 hours waiting for them to notice that it was me. Sure I still had the mask on, but it was comfy and I was used to wearing a mask by now.

"I'm a replacement for you're sensai" I lied easily. Naruto deadpanned at me. I grinned behind the mask.

"So 3/5 of our team has been replaced...." Sakura stated. I swung of the rock I was sitting on. 

"Shall we be going?" I asked them. They all nodded and Naruto was still deadpanning at me. I gave him a peace sign and we headed off into the sun rise.....casue I kept them waiting all throughout the night....


Kinda short.... and crappy, but I've started Detective Conan and now I can't stop reading!!! ;_; So... I'll try and post soon. And thank you to everyone who said Happy Birthday! :) I promise I'll post soon, if anyone's actully reading my crap writing...

If I fall... (Sequel to Seeing Red) (Kakashi Love Story) AdoptedWhere stories live. Discover now