Moving in

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I lifted up a box full of Yoosung's things and put them in the truck I rented. I have been helping yoosung pack and clean up his place and I am not going to lie despite his home being small there was a lot of things to move.

"There last box!" I was tapped on the shoulder by yoosung I turn around and see him holding a small box "Oh I thought I got all of them...." He shakes his head

Yoosung: "You did I just wanted to give this to you as a thank you gift." I smile and take the box

"Aww, Yoosung you know that your love is enough for me" He blushes a bit and puts his hand behind his head. I open the box and see two puzzle pieces one saying *His one* and the other one saying *His only* they where necklaces that you connect to each other I could tell which one is mine because it had another charm on it that had the engraving *S* in it and the other one had the engraving *Y* I pick mine up and smile. "Yoosung you really didn't need to do this." I hand him back the box and he takes his out.

Yoosung: "I know but I just loved the idea so I got them made for us" I put mine on it danged right above my other necklace I look over at Yoosung he already has his on and he had a goofy smile on his face. That is what I love about Yoosung he is so innocent and pure I hope that he stays like that. Yoosung waddles over to me and connects his puzzle piece to mine his said *His only* I can tell he was really happy, I take out my phone.

"Alright, photo time! Say the best couple in the entire world!"

Yoosung: "Best couple in the entire world!" I take the picture and we look at it we were both connecting our puzzle pieces and Yoosung and I were smiling like dorks. I giggle and put my phone away we have already told the RFA about our relationship and they are all happy for us. We relax from our giggle fit and Yoosung turns to me "Hey we should probably get going huh" I nod.

"Kiss your old home goodbye Yoosung" He runs over to his house and kicks dirt at it.

Yoosung: "Goodbye stinky house!" I laugh and close the back of the truck and get in. Yoosung joins me in the front "Alright! LET'S GO!" I shake my head

"Tisk tisk Yoosung" I lean over him and grab his seat belt and buckle him up "Not until your safe." He fluffs my hair and I laugh. "Alright now we can go." I start up the car and start to drive to my house

---- TIME SKIP ----

We arrive at my house and Yoosung is bouncing with excitement I have already gotten a room ready for him and everything. "Alright, we are here" Yoosung unbuckles himself and heads to the back of the truck to unload things I smile I am happy to see him this excited. I get out to see Yoosung holding a big box "WHOA YOOSUNG!!" I run over and help him carry it "Relax for a bit could ya?" We put down the box and Yoosung laughs 

Yoosung: "Sorry sorry I am just so happy!" I laugh

"Me too but lets get take it slow so we don't get hurt alright." Yoosung and I have been dating for about a month and I love him so much I would hate to see him get hurt. Yoosung sighs.

Yoosung: "Your right. Okay, lead the way!" We spend the rest of the day unpacking the truck and by the time we were done I find myself on the couch my arms wrapped around Yoosung while he lies on my chest, He is fast asleep. Yoosung worked so hard today, I twist my body so that I can stand up and so that I can carry Yoosung to my room. Yoosung's room wasn't done yet so I figured he could sleep in mine and I could sleep on the couch. I stand up Yoosung in my arms he was hugging my torso a big smile pasted on his face when I get to my room I lay him down but he won't let go of me I sigh.

"Alright, I'll stay" I jump over Yoosung and flop onto the other side of the bed "I know your awake so you might as well come in and snuggle me" Yoosung scoots over towards me and I hug him my head on top of his. I liked this I liked having someone around my house and I hope that Yoosung feels the same.


I was slightly awake when Seven asked me to cuddle him. I scooted over toward him and I always forget how strong Seven is. for someone who never goes to the gym and works on computers, he has strong arms. Heck, he even carried me here! I bury my face into his arm I am so happy that he let me move in with him I know he will be busy but I hope he knows that I am always here for him.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I open my eyes Seven wasn't in the bed anymore I sit up and shrug it off because of yesterday he had to miss work. I get out of bed and walk over to Seven's office, he left the door open I peer in and see him working. I know not to disturb him so instead, I walk into the kitchen clap my hands and make some eggs. I walk back with some food for Seven and I slide the plate beside him I see a smile on his face.

Seven: "You know you can talk to me right"

"O-Oh sorry I just don't want to disturb you because of work" he takes his headphones off and looks over at me.

Seven: "Well I just finished a task but thanks for understanding." He looks down at the eggs I brought him "You made me breakfast?" I nod 

"I know you have a tendency of eating only honey buddha chips and Ph.D. pepper so I want you to at least have some protein" Seven smiles and takes the plate of food in his hands.

Seven: "Thank you Yoosung." I kiss his cheek

"Anytime~" I smile at Seven "I am going to finish putting together my room alright."

Seven: "Alright. You know what to do if you need me." I nod and walk away into my room, it was way bigger than my other room.

"WOW!" I sit on my bed. I know me and Seven where dating but he still liked the idea of us having our own rooms just in case we needed some personal space. for the rest of the day, I brought food for seven and worked in my room.

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