A Push In The Right Direction

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I quit the agency and I felt relieved I don't need to worry about hiding myself as Saeyoung anymore.

"Hey, Yoosung?" Yoosung comes walking out of the kitchen his hair was still a bit of a mess because he had not styled it yet but I found it cute. It also helped that he was wearing the jacket I made for him. "I quit the agency" Yoosung blinked a couple times.

Yoosung: "You quit!?" I nod "Why?" I stand up

"Like I said earlier when I was working for the agency I was like a ghost people don't know the real me. people know Seven and not Saeyoung......" Yoosung walked over to me

Yoosung: "What are you going to do for your job?" I push my hair back.

"Well, I have one option so far. They are like the agency but I protect people from hackers..... I would love to do that but being a former hacker makes it difficult" Yoosung pushed his mouth to the side of his face.

Yoosung: "Hmmmm.... Well, you can try?"

"Oh I am going to I can't live without a job..... hey Yoosung?"

Yoosung: "Yea?" 

"What about school? You are still planning to go right." Yoosung sighs and puts a hand behind his head. He looked confused and split between two worlds. 

Yoosung: "I would love to but I can't..... the school year has ended and I would need to start all over again. I don't even know if I am doing the right degree." Yoosung sat on the couch "I was studying to be a Veterinarian but I just can't get motivated. It has been my dream job but after Rika died I just..... crumbled" I sit next to Yoosung and put a hand on his shoulder 

"What school were you going too?" 

Yoosung: "Oakland college. Why?" I grab my computer 

"I was wondering because I want you to go back to school and try your best." I look at Yoosung "Trust me" I find a school and show it to Yoosung "If you really want to be a Veterinarian you should go here. Yoosung looks at it and sighs

Yoosung: "That's the school I originally wanted to attend" I close my laptop

"What happened did you not get accepted?" Yoosung shakes his head

Yoosung: "Money... I don't have any and I was doing this all by myself sure I could have asked my parents for help but they wanted me to grow up you know to be responsible! So I caved and went to Oakland.... You already know how bad that was"

"How about this. If I pay for you to get into this collage you promise me you will try your best I know it will suck, trust me I know but when you graduate it is worth it. besides, you are heading towards your dream job." Yoosung looks at me with a shocked face 

Yoosung: "You will do all of that for me!?" I nod

"But only if you work hard. after I pay for you I will be pushing you to try your hardest." Yoosung leans back 

Yoosung: "Okay I'll do it but only if you get a job! I'm starting to feel like I'm robbing you of all of your money." I laugh

"Yoosung you know i'm like jumin and have lots of money. I just use it differently." Yoosung raised his eyebrow

Yoosung: "You mean on all of your babies?" I stay silent for a moment

".....Yes" We both laugh "Hey it's not my fault if I love my cars so much"

Yoosung: "I know" I open my computer and look through the website 

"Here step one" Yoosung takes my laptop and looks through it.

Yoosung: "Oh they are still taking students until the 13th! That gives me some time to send in everything." I ruffle Yoosungs hair and he smiles

"You can use my computer I have another one"

Yoosung: "Thank you Saeyoung I really appreciate it" I kiss Yoosung.

"You just needed a push in the right direction"


I was sitting on the couch Yoosung across from me. 

"You must be excited to get this bandage off of you huh" Yoosung nodded we had already gone to the store and got him glasses he chose out red ones that were narrow and sat comfortably on the bridge of his nose. The glasses were sitting next to me. "Alright, here we go. Now remember your eye hasn't seen light in a long time so it might feel weird"

Yoosung: "I know Saeyoung don't worry" I start slowly taking off the bandage and I see Yoosungs eye it wasn't purple it was still faded but I knew it was fixed and healthy. Yoosung squinted. "Wow that is bright" I cover his eye up a little and then slowly let him adjust it took about 30 minutes before his eye was used to the brightness. "Okay I think I'm good now" I put Yoosungs glasses on him and he smiles. "Wow I missed seeing you with both eyes" I blush a bit

"H-Hey when did you become the flirty one! That's my job!" Yoosung laughed

Yoosung: "Sorry I was waiting to say that." I brush Yoosungs hair "Uhh Saeyoung?" I sigh and smile.

"Oh god, i'm sorry I just your eye is so different...." Yoosung takes my hand

Yoosung: "I know it still looks faded but i'm okay with that."

"You are?"

Yoosung: "Yep what happened may have been bad but I like to think of the positive things that happened.... like how I got closer to you and how you made me this jacket" Yoosung wore the jacket I made him all the time it made him feel happy and safe "And how that thanks to you I am going back to school" I smile 

"You really are an angel you know that right. You always see the good side of things when you can.... I wish I had that superpower" Yoosung leans on me and I look down 

Yoosung: "But you do have that superpower everyone does. You just show yours through love and care" My heart warms up and I kiss Yoosungs forehead 

"I find it so silly how much you know about me" Yoosung grabbed his necklace

Yoosung: "Don't you remember?" I laugh and grab mine connecting the two 

"Of course I do" we disconnect them and Yoosung snuggles into my chest 

Yoosung: "I love you Saeyoung"

"I love you too"

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