Cafe/Exam day

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We get to the cafe it was nice and small, It resembled ones that you could find in Paris with tables in the front umbrellas closed at tables and inside is a chalkboard and warm lights and more seating areas. There where already some people sitting outside drinking coffee, I step out of the car and look at Yoosung.

Yoosung: "Wow why haven't I come here before its so close" We walk inside and wait in the line to get some food.

"Well, I don't think its well known. But that doesn't mean that anything here will be bad" Yoosumg smiles and nods at me. While we wait in the line the smells of the cafe where amazing I got more and more hungry as we waited I turn over to Yoosung. "Do you smell that or am I just going insane"

Yoosung: "No I smell it too it's amazing!" We continue to wait and while we were standing in line we can hear the barista at the front addressing people as their usual customers this got me interested because any store in my mind that had frequent consumers meant that the place must be good, while we where even waiting we saw what looked like a college student come in and get a coffee and a muffin that was set up for them, the person put down the money said thank you and walked out the door. Yoosung found that amazing.

"Hey that could be you" Yoosung nudged me and I laugh and before we know it we are at the front of the line. The barista immediately noticed us as new customers and welcomed us to Ono's coffee house. We smiled at them and we both order a coffee and a pastry after we order the barista hands us a number that is propped up on a metal stand and tells us that they will bring our order to us, I take the number and both me and Yoosung sit down.

Yoosung: "I like this place" I nod 

"Me too i'm shocked I hadn't found it earlier" A few moments pass of me and Yoosung talking and then our orders come we thank the person who brought us our orders and I look down at my coffee. "Oh, Yoosung look!" Yoosung looks at my coffee it had a heart design on it.

Yoosung: "That's adorable! I wish I had one but I got a different coffee than you" I laugh and both me and Yoosung take a sip of our coffee "Oh wow this is amazing! I never had coffee this good!" I laugh

"Really? I should take you out more often."

Yoosung: "I didn't even know that coffee came in more types then just black!" Yoosung had gotten an Espresso and I got a latte. I smile and put my cup down Yoosung laughs.

"What?" He points at his lip and I touch mine "Oh" I snicker and wipe my face "I always forget that when you drink latte's the foam gets on your face"

Yoosung: "I didn't even know you liked coffee Saeeeeee-" Yoosung cuts himself off because I suppose he wasn't sure if it was okay to use my real name.

"Its okay Yoosung you can. And Yes I do it's just I don't really need it, it doesn't give me an energy boost"

Yoosung: "What I don't believe you!" I take another sip of my latte and smile at Yoosung. 

"It's true. The only thing that really does is honey buddha chips." Yoosung sighed 

Yoosung: "Yea I guess that makes sense but I still find it mind-boggling how you don't get energy spikes. I know I do!" I shrug and put down my cup it was empty.

"Coffee effects people in different ways I suppose" Yoosung and I continue to talk as we finish eating by 10 am we are done everything and Yoosungs alarm on his phone goes off.

Yoosung: "It's 10 already! Shoot how long have we been here for"

"About three hours." I stand up "Want a drive to school? I know it takes you a while when you take the bus"

Yoosung: "That would be awesome! That could give me some extra time to study before the exam" We walk out of the cafe and get into my car.



---- TIME SKIP ----

I stop in front of the University Yoosung and I get out. 

"I'll see you later okay." 

Yoosung: "Okay." I kiss his forehead and he smiles "I promise to come home with a passing grade!" 

"Alright see you back at home" I ruffle Yoosungs hair and he laughs. I get back in my car and wave goodbye and drive off.


I wave goodbye to Saeyoung and sigh this exam wasn't a final but it still ment so much to me especaly since Saeyoung paid for me to get to this school. I walk over to my locker and grabbed my things I then walked outside and parked myself near a tree I opened a textbook that was full of sticky notes that I made to myself and started looking over them after about 30 min I was interrupted by noises in the background I perk my head up slightly and hear that my name had been dropped.

"W-What?" I turn behind me to see a group of students talking they didn't realize that I turned around at first but one student looked at me and imminently turned away. I twist myself back so I was facing forward again and shake the thought from my head I continue to review until I had to take my exam. When I walk into the lecture room and take a seat the exam was in front of me and I was a bit nervoust he professor said to begin and I started to write.

---- TIME SKIP ----

I walk out of the lecture room relived I belive I did a good job and I wanted to stick with that mentality. Lucky for me I had no other classes to attend to so I could go straight home although when I was walking on the grounds of the University people kept looking at me. I felt weird and different so I sit down and try to understand why people keep looking at me I manage to pick up a conversation.

???: "Did you see his eye!?"

???: "Yea I know its so weird.... I wonder what happened."

???: "Who cares. He probably did it to make himself look better"

???: "Wait I do-"

???: "And what his necklace too I managed to read it I think he is gay"

???: "Really!"

???: "But that's n-" 

I stopped listing there people looked at me because I was different looking. I stand up and walk away to the bus stop where I catch the bus home as of right now I wasn't feeling the best and I just wanted to go home.

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