University Yoosung

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I wake up and look at our mailbox, I have been super nervous to get the letter from the school that I applied to. I walk to the door and see a letter addressing my name! I quickly take it out

"SAEYOUNG!!" Saeyoung quickly came running to me almost falling on his face in the process.

Saeyoung: "WHAT WHAT IS IT!! WHERE IS THE FIRE!!!" I laugh a bit and walk over to Saeyoung he was in his defensive pose I lower his hands.

"It's my letter Saeyoung relax" He lowered his hands and pushed them through his hair. "Sorry"

Saeyoung: "No it's okay you just startled me." Saeyoung pointed at the letter in my hand "So you going to open it or are you going to hold it in your hand." I take it in my other hand and open the letter and start reading it. "Did you get in?" I look up at Saeyoung and sigh.

"I.... GOT IN!!" I raise my hands in the air and Saeyoung hugs me picking me up from the ground. After a short moment of celebration, I feel my stomach turn Saeyoung looks at me.

Saeyoung: "Yoosung?" He puts me down. "Are you okay you look like you are going to faint"

"I'm okay but I just realized how hard this is going to be..... GAHHH!! What do I do!!" Saeyoung grabs my hand and I look up at him.

Saeyoung: "Yoosung it is going to be hard but remember I'm here to help you this time." I hug Saeyoung and he hugs me back

"Thanks, Saeyoung"

---- TIME SKIP ----


"Alright, how do you tell a canines age!?"

Yoosung: "Teeth.....?" I was sitting at the table helping Yoosung study he has been in school for a couple of mouths and he had a huge exam tomorrow.

"ALRIGHT! 10 POINTS FOR YOOSUNG!" Yoosung laughed

Yoosung: "You know we aren't doing points right?" I smile and switch to the next card

"I know I just like being enthusiastic" I clear my throat "For an animal what is the difference between getting neutered and getting spayed?"

Yoosung: "Female dogs and cats get spayed and male dogs and cats get neutered" I flick the card in the air.

"Well, dang Yoosung you might as well be a graduate!"

Yoosung: "Come on Saeyoung give me a hard one!" I look through the cards and find one that I think that would be hard. I look at Yoosung

"Zoonotic disease what is it?" Yoosung looked a bit stumped for a bit "Come on you know this." Yoosung clapped his hands his head perking upward.

Yoosung: "Diseases that are transmissible between animals and humans!" I put down the card and sigh. "What did I get it wrong?"

"No... YOU GOT IT RIGHT! And I am very impressed you have been working so hard." Yoosung nods his head and smiles at me.

Yoosung: "Your the one who keeps me motivated" Yoosung and I stretch it was pretty late "Do you think i'm ready for the exam tomorrow?" I stand up and Kiss Yoosung.

"I would be shocked if you weren't" Yoosung stands up and hugs me

Yoosung: "Thanks for helping me Saeyoung" I hug him back

"Anytime. Now let's get you to bed you need your brain to be working tomorrow." Yoosung lets me go

Yoosung: "But I only have an afternoon class"

"I know but I want to do something in the morning" Yoosung sighs

Yoosung: "Alright I suppose that's fair.... but what about you?"

"Because I just got into the new agency I need to do some things but I will go to bed soon, don't worry" I kiss Yoosung again and Yoosung kisses me back

Yoosung: "Promise?" Yoosung hold's out his pinkie finger and I connect my pinkie finger to his.

"I promise from the bottom of my very crazy and uncontrollable heart that will forever be Yoosungs!" I stick out my tongue and Yoosung laughs and mocks me.

Yoosung: "And I Yoosung promise to get some sleep and do amazing on my exam from the bottom of my uncontrollable heart that will forever be Saeyoung's!" My face turns red and Yoosung laughs sticking out his tongue. "Your face is red" We pull away from our pinkies and I stand there red-faced.

"W-What! N-No way its just that you promised that your heart will always belong to me and I also said it so it was really cute!" Yoosung kisses my nose.

Yoosung: "Night Saeyoung" I relax a bit and watch Yoosung walk up the stairs.


---- TIME SKIP ----

I wake up to find myself face first on my laptop, I blink a couple of times and sit up.

"I really need to stop doing that" I look at the time 7:37 am "Oh perfect!" I get up head to my room get changed and walk into Yoosungs room to see him fast asleep hugging a pillow with his legs tucked and his glasses resting on the counter beside his bed. I giggle to myself, Yoosung was so adorable even when he slept. I crouch down and walk over to the head of Yoosungs bed and let my eyes skim over his bed so I can see his face. "Yooooossssssuuuuuunnnnnnggggg~" I get a tiny grumble from him "Yooooooooossssuuuuuuunnnnnnnggggggg~" I get another grumble this time with some movement. "My one and only love in the whole entire wooooorrrrllllldddd~" Yoosung stretches and opens his eyes.

Yoosung: "Saeyoung?" I smile

"Morning sleepy head~" Yoosung looks at his clock and looks back at me

Yoosung: "Saeyoung why did you wake me up at 7:40?" Yoosung sits up and puts on his glasses I then stand up.

"Because I want to take you out for breakfast!" Yoosung pivots himself around so his legs are hanging from the side of his bed.

Yoosung: "Oh! Well, let me get ready then." Yoosung stood up and turned on his light his hair was messy but I found it cute. I watch Yoosung as he chooses what to where he picked out a star t-shirt jeans and the jacket I made him. I found it heartwarming because he picked up the jacket first. Yoosung starts taking off his pajama shirt and I hide behind his bed making a noticeable thud in the prosses of doing so. Yoosung turns around confused. "Uhh, Saeyoung you know I don't mind anymore right?" I laugh and stand back up

"Sorry, it just reminded me of how we first kissed" Yoosung continues getting changed and I try to avoid looking at him I know he didn't mind but it made my mine insane.

Yoosung: "Oh yea when I hid in the closet and fell on top of you" Yoosung finishes getting ready and he puts on his jacket "There! Ready for the day!" I look at Yoosung and notice that his jean pockets weren't tucked in. 

"Hold on" I tuck in his pockets "There now you are ready!" Yoosung laughs 

Yoosung: "Alright fine now i'm ready" We walk out Yoosungs room and put on our shoes. I look back at Yoosung he was just finishing tieing his lase's on his white boots.

"Ready to roll!?" Yoosung springs up 

Yoosung: "READY!" We get into my red car (because why not) and start to drive "So where are we going?" I shrug

"I just saw a cute coffee shop near and I thought hey why don't I take my boyfriend there for a celebratory breakfast!" 

Yoosung: "But I haven't even written my exam yet." 

"I know but I also know that you will do great! You have Saeyoungs seal of approval!" I see Yoosung smile

Yoosung: "You are such a dork"

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