No clue how to title this

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I'm tired, today. Actually, I'm exhausted. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. And that last one is very difficult to do.
I don't know what to do with the information I've been given in the last few days, nor do I know how to respond to it all. What to make of some of it may just be a bit harder.

Tá grá agam dó. Agus is fuath liom é uile. Imríonn sé le mo chroí. Mé bás, taobh istigh. Déanann sé dom bhraitheann beo, ach amháin maraigh mé, arís.

Not my words, but pretty accurate to how I'm feeling, at the moment. I just wish it would all stop- let me rest. But then again, life is a painful love... much closer to hate, really.

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