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If you ever want to RP some of these things through, let me know, I'm always open to new ideas! Just PM me or comment!

1. Jim used to attend every service at the local Catholic Ministry. He never believed in God or anything (he personally thinks it's utter horsehit), but it gave him a connection to his mum.

2. He stopped going when Erica forced him to, because she was Protestant and hated Catholics. He didn't actually believe, so he stopped going and never went to her church either. (He secretly wants to start attending again, but hasn't found an excuse to, yet.)

3. He's a total coffee addict. It started only when he couldn't sleep, mostly due to nightmares, but it kinda just became habit. But him coffee and he's your friend for life.

4. He carries his mother's rosaries with him EVERYWHERE. It started the day he swore to stop self harming, a little reminder to where that road can lead, and he hasn't since. #6 years clean.

5. He has a really hard time trusting people. From his first friend trying to drown him to many abusive relationships, it takes him a while to fully trust people. That being said, once he's decided to trust someone, he will do whatever it takes to keep them close.

6. He doesn't trust himself. He hates to admit it, but he knows he has a tendency to do what's bad for himself. He often allows the people he trusts the most give him advice for his personal life and he tends to follow it.

7. He still hasn't quite accepted that he's attracted to men. Now, his first crush should've been a clue (Carl Powers), but he always figured it was because Carl was his only friend. After years of watching his older brother getting beat down for being gay, Jim didnt even like to look at the possibility (odd, since one of his early relationships ended because the boy's father caught them together).

8. He HATES wine. He still drinks it, more for the aesthetic than anything. He actually doesn't mind dark red wines—it's the white ones he can't stand.

9. He is a fashion guru. He's better than Connie Prince—he can do your colours, knows how to dress to season and can coordinate in ways you wouldn't BELIEVE. He's truly a fashion icon™️.

10. He taught art classes, after getting his teaching degree, over the summer at a local Irish university. He started doing it to save up money to get Jane through university. That's how he met Ned, a boy that fell head-over-heals for his professor and came back over the summer. Jim admired his artistic skills and talent, and blames himself for Ned's death to this day.

11. He did and would do ANYTHING for Jane. Needed someone killed? Done. Needed him to take a lashing? No problem. Keep Da distracted? Anything for Janey. Anything.

12. He loves the stars, to an unhealthy amount. He actually taught a class at Oxford about mathematical calculations that applied to space exploration. (It's still the most enrolled class Oxford has seen. Plus, he had the least amount of class absences on record.)

13. He has bad days, where he is cold, calculating and overall just Moriarty. He calls "work Jim" Moriarty, and truly differentiates them as different people. There are things he will do and say that completely abnormal and against his thought process, but when he's in Moriarty Mode, well...

14. He has the "Darci Clause" in work. This is a clause stating that, if encountered, any abuser that seeks his help to kill their victim will have a very unfortunate accident coming their way. After they've already paid him in full. He can pay his goons, and the victim gets the financial stability they need to move on.

15. He can and often will forget to eat. Sometimes it's purposeful, something caused by believing himself 'ugly' and 'fat' because of Erica's constant verbal harassment, and other times he honestly just doesn't realize he hasn't. There's no telling which one until you actually sit a plate of food down in front of him and tell him to eat. If he sheepishly agrees then goes to the bathroom—it was on purpose. If he says he's still not hungry, he just forgot...and someone should probably force him to eat.

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