Arriving home

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Me, Malia and Stiles all started the way back to my house. I sat in the back with Malia lying in my lap. She looked happy, peaceful. 'Dude how did you actually get her?' Stiles asked from the front seat. 'I mean like in 3rd grade, no offense but you were kind've a loser. Huh, maybe that's why me, you and Theo were friends.' Scott just laughed as he stroked Malia's hair. 'I don't know, but it's a gift and I don't intend to screw it up.' Scott said.
'I swear if you **** this up I'll be on you like a pile of bricks.' When they arrived Scott shakes Malia gently to wake her up, she groaned but eventually got up after about 5 minutes of persuading and bribes. Scott and Stiles see'd each other off. 'Have a good night with Lydia!' Stiles glared at him but then smiled.

Scott carried a laughing Malia to his room, thankful that his mother was out as well as Argent. She landed on the bed and turned over to find Scott lying beside her. 'Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?' Scott asked Malia. She just laughed before replying 'no, I don't see anything that special about brown eyes.' She said.
'No, I meant your other eyes' Scott said softly to her. She flashed her blue eyes to him only to have him respond with the eyes of an alpha.

'Come on you need a shower' Malia told Scott as she dragged him along with her to the bathroom. 'Is this going to be our thing now, shower sex?' He said with a smirk that not only brought out his dimples but made Malia a little bit more excited. 'Why, do you want it to not be?' She said teasing him. He answered with a kiss to her mouth. In seconds they had stripped all their clothes off and were making out under the shower head, it seemed beyond magical to Malia as she felt Scott's hand move down from her neck and further south than that . He just smirked at her as she started to moan.

'Stiles would be proud of me' Scott said beaming with Malia just laughing. She felt a safe in his arms, the way they curled around her as if he was protecting her. She looked at Scott for a long time, debating on whether she should say those 3 words, those 3 words that could change everything. 'I love you' she whispered, barely audible to Scott but he still heard her. His eyes were closing and he was drifting to sleep but he still managed to smile and reply with 'I love you too.'

If you like this I'll write more🙂
Bye xx

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