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Malia gazed at the sky as she leaned into Scott. She watched Oliver and Allison running after each other laughing as they splashed water at each other. 'I remember when I took you here for the first time' Scott said. Malia smiled and nodded, she would always remember all the things that Scott had done for her. 'I remember.' She replied. They watched silently as their kids played about, 'moments like these are rare in life you know.' Malia said suddenly. 'In our whole lives we may only experience a moment like this a handful of times, I want to enjoy every one of those times.'
'So, what are you suggesting?' Scott asked.
'Kiss me you idiot.' Scott laughed and leaned his head in as Malia did. '

This was always the life that I wanted' Malia said as they broke away their foreheads still touching. 'I'm so happy that you gave it to me.'
'For you I would do anything' Scott said.


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