Settling in

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'You know what, school's not that hard.' Scott said as Malia lied on his chest. She groaned slightly and just said 'it's easy for you.' Scott smiled slightly and said 'you know, if you ever need any help in anything then I'll be there for you.' She nodded to that and lay peacefully on him for a while. 'We should get going?' Scott asked. 'Fine, lets go.' She said. The two of them walked out of Malia's dorm where her room mate still hadn't arrived. Whilst they were walking past a scrawny boy with glasses walked up to her. 'Could I have your number, please.' He asked her. She laughed slightly and said 'what for?' Scott looked at her like she had gone insane, 'Umm... so we could talk later I guess....' he said. Scott wrapped his arm around her waist 'sorry she's already taken.' The boy looked between the two and nodded. 'Oh well Umm... have a nice day you two.' He muttered and walked away.

'So that's what it feels like?' Scott asked. Malia smiled evilly at him 'now you know what it's like when a girl flirts with you.' She said.
'Point taken' Scott said. They both got on Scott's motorcycle as Malia laughed at a joke he said. They pulled up at Isaac's bar and saw him behind the counter in a uniform. He smiled at the two of them as they walked towards him. 'Hey' He said.
'Hey' Scott replied, 'how's your first day of work?'
'It's OK, how's your first day of settling into college?' Isaac asked.
'It's good so far, we've mainly just been moving in and hanging out with each other.' Malia said. 'Sounds like you need a drink' Isaac said.
'Yep, that's why we came.' Scott said. They both ordered their drinks and downed them over conversation about their future.

'Have you ever thought about what it's like to get married?' Malia asked as they were watching TV. Scott looked at her slightly surprised, 'Umm... not really.' He said 'do you want me to?' He asked. She laughed slightly as she said 'no you idiot, we're not even twenty, I just wanted to know.'
'Oh. Well if we're still together in a few years I'm going to put a ring on your finger.' Scott said. 'Yep, you better not do it here' She said motioning to the small dorm room. 'Don't worry, I'll put all my effort into it. He said.
'You know we won't see each other as much once school starts.' She said sadly. Scott nodded and said 'but we'll still see each other, we'll still love each other.' She smiled at him 'that we will.'

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