
28 1 0

10 March 2017

The first sip has always tastes like a memory
Remembering great happiness of meeting you
I was out of the cage I made in misery
But I didn't thought you're this great in trickery

One sip followed by another, and another
Fruity, chocolate, caramel, scents I'll think of
A mug you shared, this ambience I will ponder
Give me a sign, tell me when to stop to wonder

Butterflies, cheeks flushing, rapid beating of heart
Strange sentiments I always feel when thinking of you
But this is one-sided, this is unrequited
My eyes speak of a thousand words yet you won't see

Twelve months, one week, one day, in hours I'm not certain
I ran; I came back and I run away again
Timing was in favor, but fate can never be
Memories I'll hold dear, the heart doesn't forget

Copyright © Mar (margalilei)

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