Popular Boy.

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Even as young as Harry was, he was very charming. When he was 2, a queen was pregnant with a baby girl. Knowing about the famous singer couple Louis and Harry of the 2020s, she kept the girls name Louise in attempts of making a twist in fate and trying to get Harry love her. Unfortunately as they grew, rather than love, Harry and Louise became best friends. Of course not even close to him and Louis, but still Louise made him feel better. They called each 'bro' which didn't make Louise's mum so happy. She knew her chance was going out of hand when Louise changed her name to Cara. That is when Cara's mum lost all hope and gradually excepted it with happiness that her daughter and Harry were like siblings. When Harry turned 6, a new designer moved into the palace. She had a daughter who was 12 at the time. Her name was Louise Teasdale. She was like an older sister figure for Harry and Harry's need for Gemma was filled by Lou. She also had two sons, Niall and Liam. Harry grew really fond of them and they were only a year older than Harry. Liam and Niall were non identical twins. They always took care of Harry like a baby and Harry liked it. Then came in a minister from Dubai, who now wanted to work in England. The Queen kindly obliged and said yes after her severe research. She gave them shelter too. Even the minister, had a son, Zayn. He was beautiful, really beautiful and Harry loved him too but just as a friend. This group grew up together.

While Ed and Gemma were away, they used to come in the summers and meet Harry, buy him gift, love him. He loved them too much, too much for words to describe. He was growing up, out of Louis but some part of him still craved Louis. But sadly like Louis, even Harry forgot Louis as he grew up. The card that Louis gave him was kept away from Harry so that he doesn't remember Louis. Thereafter, there were no signs of Louis in Harry's mind and no sign of Harry in Louis mind.

Coming back to Harry, he was a popular, very popular boy in the Royality. There were a bunch,actually an army of girls swooning over him, be it daughter of singers, daughter of actors or princesses, they would never leave him. But Harry did not want this. He knew he had to keep his head straight in place as he was going to be the king. He had asked Ed once if he wanted the throne but Ed said, 

"Hazz I would love to, but I think you should have it"

"What if I don't wanna have it?" Harry asked.

"Then you could hand over, I'll take it..but I know you want it" 

Harry would always smile on how much Ed knew him even though he wasn't around so much.

Harry knew he had a choice, but he was a person who always used to listen to his mother. Very down to earth, no mischief, no trouble. He would do all that his mother said, because he was too scared to make a stand. Even though a Prince, he never felt worth. He didn't understand why girls would ever swoon over him, he didn't even look good. He sure had clear skin but that's it. He didn't like his eyes, his lips were to girly for him and he was way too tall. His hair were a messy curl almost always and he didn't like it. Even thought his friends kept telling him that he looks perfect, he didn't need a friend. He needed someone else to tell him what they loved about him, maybe a significant other. But that certainly wasn't happening as 

1- He wasn't so social even though he is a prince.

2- he didn't like anyone.

3- it didn't feel right. Ever.

He had been on dates, many that were set up by the boys, I.e Liam Niall and Zayn, or by Cara. But nothing felt right. He knew one thing, that when you look into your soulmate's eyes, you feel this shock through your body. The sweetest shockwave ever. But on these dates, he just felt nothing, absolutely nothing. No shockwave, no happiness, nothing. He knew those girls were just trying to get either of the two, his money or his body. And he didn't want to offer either to them. He wanted to offer his heart but the fact that nobody wanted it made him feel even more empty. He met some girls, really hot but never did his respect falter. No. He always respected them, even if they didn't.

Louis on the other hand, was growing up just as normally. He didn't have many friends and went to a little school my the pond. One thing that he stuck around with was football. He then had a little baby sister Lottie. Even he ended up with a lot of siblings whom he loved with his whole heart. They were Lottie, Felicite, Daisy, Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest and Doris. He then became a football teacher for little kids. Even though the palace kept sending them enough money, Louis preferred working and not entirely depending on the 'charity party' as his mom told him. He eventually became such a good teacher that a lot of countries young footballers were his ex students. But he didn't wanted fame for himself though, he wanted the life he had, calm and good. He never went in a relationship either, for the same reason as Harry. But in his life, I was more wanting the body and less money. He had a great physique but not a crazy great one. Toned and healthy. He had his hair styled in a fringe and blue eyes that would shout at you're soul. He had beautiful eyelashes that complimented his eye colour. Sometimes had a stubble but liked to be clean shaved.He had just turned 21.

Harry looked way different than his childhood. He now has brown hair, styled into perfect curls, light brown that reached his shoulders. He had beautiful green eyes with ever shade of green in them. Not even a slight stubble was seen as he didn't really like having any facial hair. Harry is just a little baby of 19.

The others that Harry grew like the boys and Lou eventually grew up too. Harry knew that there was something brewing in between Zayn and Liam. He could tell. Lou got married when harry was 16 and had a little baby named Lux. She bacame Harry's life. Harry loves children so of course. He never told that 'hey meet Lux, my stylist daughter', he always went like 'hey meet Lux my niece.'.  Their marriage didn't stay long and they broke apart. But Harry took Lou in and said that as long as he is there his 'sister' wouldn't need anyone else. Lux was now 4. Everything was going perfectly.

But little did they knew, that there was a rollercoster of stuff ahead of them. All of their lives were gonna get turned and twisted. The dance of fate had begun the day they were born, but now it was starting to heat up. 

It was just the right time.

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