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Jungkook POV

I slowly walked out from Suga hyung studio and he was in front of me as he lead me to walk outside from his studio. Then we faced each others with guiltiness that always inside me. I looked up to him and what made me shocked that- he was smiling like a gummy bear and I thought,he seriously a cute hyung than Jimin hyung. Although he is the savage member but he has his cute inner aura. Also,he always made my heart fluttering..

(A/N: Sorry,I ship SuKook and Yoonmin. Also,I like Jikook very much. No hate)

I want to say something but Suga hyung started talking.

"Actually I wasn't mad at all,but a little bit for your stupid action to do that thing. But what I was so mad,so fucking mad is that.. Why when it come about sex,you guys always came to me and tell about your problem... Why don't you guys,next time talk your problem to Namjoon.. Okay? If the another members have this problem and come to me.. I ignore. I'm seriously can't help it."

I giggled a bit at Suga hyung long damm advice. Or he grumble? I nod slightly and thanked him for giving me advice. He also promised me that he won't tell Namjoon hyung about this. He excused himself caused he want to continue making music that disrupted by me. I nod again and he opened the door.

"Hyung.. I anticipate your music is the be-"

He already closed the door and I sighed slowly. I shook my head and walked to the elevator area. I press the down arrow button. I waited while tapping my right foot until the elevator door open.


I walked out from the company Big Hit and stood there outside the company. I looked at my left and my right. I actually doesn't know where to go cause i don't have any schedule this evening. I though of going to the dorm but i cancel my intention when i felt my phone vibrated in my pocket jeans. I grabbed my phone and it was a message from..



No One POV

Jungkook jog to Blackpink dorm that located near at Han River. He pressed the elevator button continuously.

"Fuck it!! Fucking elevator!!"

He swear loudly at those innocent elevator. Luckily, there is no one around at that area. He ruffle his hair in frustrated emotion. Then,he quickly ran to the stairs and ran upstairs quickly to level 20.


Jungkook stopped when he finally arrived at level 20. He bend down with his hands on his both knees and patting in exhausted. He wiped his sweat on his forehead with his long sleeve. He stood and jog to Blackpink dorm.


Lisa stir the coffee with tea spoon for mix the sugar blend in with the coffee. While Lisa stir the coffee, she had felt down on an emotion. Lately,she text Jungkook to come over at her dorm for urgent,important met-privacy.

Jisoo already walked out to somewhere. Not somewhere but,she went out because Lisa asked her to for some privacy.

Ding dong~~ Ding dong~~

"That must be Jungkook.." Lisa whisper herself.

She putted the teaspoon on the table. She jog toward the door and quickly opened the door. Her guess was not wrong,is really Jeon Jungkook,Lisa first love and Idol boyfriend.

Lisa could see clearly that his white shirt was wet at the part of collar and armpits also. Lisa let Jungkook came in and they walked together like wifey escort his hubby to sofa.

"Jungkook,what about you sit first and I serve you a water.. What water do you want?" She smiled warmly at Jungkook until he was melt by her smiled.

"Anything will do.. As long you the one who make it..." Jungkook giggled at his own word.

Lisa curve a smile and giggle while shook her head at his fluttering word. Well,actually that made Lisa heart fluttering a little bit.

Lisa excuse herself and walked to the kitchen while Jungkook sat there patiently. He looked at the living room. There is no different like the last time he visit their dorm. While he looking at the 4 edges of the living room,Lisa came with two iced lemon tea at her hands. She putted on the table that in front of Jungkook and sat beside Jungkook.

"So,Lisa.. What do you want to talk about?" Jungkook ask when the living room started to silent.

"Umm.. Let me straight to the point.. I'm not pregnant.." She said calmly.

Jungshook "What do you mean? You know that I don't wear condom,right?"

"Jisoo eonnie,gave me birth pills.."

"What? I mean is that,how Jisoo noona has those thing?"

"Well... Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa,doesn't wear condom.. So,Jisoo unnie ate that thing.."

"So,it is working or not? She not pregnant?"

Lisa shook her head..

"So,you also.. Ate it?"

"Of course I ate.."

Jungkook just 'o' then his face went gloomy. Lisa realized that Jungkook face were gloomy.

"What wrong? Lisa ask


Lisa shrugged.

'I want to say that I want to married you,Lisa.. But, I'm not that brave to say it..' Jungkook thought.

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