Thomas Imagine 2

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You happily walk in the park. Being out of your old apartment makes you feel happy and giddy. Its been a while now since you have a time for yourself. You always busy with yourself with work, taking care of files, crimes, and anything that's related to law. Yes, your a lawyer. And too young for being one.

Thomas, your husky barked beside you. You can't help but smile at how excited he look. You excitedly look at him as you see him looking at a nearby lake. You laugh at how this dog can easily make you smile.

You stare at the lake, mesmerized by its beauty. Busy of admiring the view, you accidentally drop Thomas' leash.

Finally feeling he's free from you (and that sounds like you're abusing him but no, your not. You love dogs!), he sprint towards the lake. You gasp. He can't just run around like he's a stray dog! So you did what a normal pet owner will do, sprint after him. Calling his name in the process.

"Thomas! Come back here!" You yell as you slowly halt to breath.

By that time, Thomas already reached the lake. You felt a tap on your shoulder but you ignore it and sprint towards the lake when you see Thomas getting into the water.

"Thomas! Bad dog! Wait till I get there! I swear, no treats for a week! Thomas!" You shout at your dog but old Thomas is just as stubborn as his owner. "Thomas! Get back here!"

Finally. You reached him and grab his leash. And now the soaking wet Thomas decided its funny if the two of you are soaked. So, he do what a normal dog will do, into his owner.

You're irritated at first but you laugh anyway. This is the first time Thomas behaved badly. Then you hear someone cleared their throat.

"Hi love, are you calling me?" A British boy said behind you. You stare at him for a while, mesmerized by his beauty. When you didn't speak, he break the awkward silence. "I heard you call my name, Thomas. And please stop staring. Its rude." he then smile at you, flashing his pearly white teeth.

I was pulled out of my trance, "Uhm, yeah, sorry. It was my dog's name." You said standing up. You're about to walk away when Thomas, the dog, have another plan. He didn't move from his spot!

"Thomas come on, let's go." You said. And funny thing, both Thomas moved. You look at the human Thomas irritated, "Not you Thomas. You'll stay here."

You start to walk but came back because the dog Thomas stay. You then see the human Thomas smirking at you. "You do realize that he won't move from that very spot if you keep telling me to stay here." You just stare at him, realizing how stupid you are.

"Okay, you're going to be Tommy now and my dog's Thomas. Now Thomas, let's go. And you Tommy, stay here." You said.


You stop when you see your 5 year old son yawn. "And that, Travis, is how me and your father meet." Travis smiled at you then to the man standing behind you.

"Goodnight Travis. Tomorrow's a big day." Thomas said kissing your son goodnight. You smile at the sight of your two boys. You smile to yourself, your boys.

"I'm really glad Thomas behaved badly that day love." Thomas said pulling you out of your trance.

"I honestly do, too. I love you Tommy." You said then peck his lips.

"I love you too, Y/N." He said kissing you sweetly and passionately. But you were interrupted by your son's "ewww".

You smile to yourself, thinking your the luckiest girl on Earth.

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