Thomas Sangster 4

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You were in an interview with the Maze Runner cast consisting of Will and Dylan on your both sides and Kaya, Ki Hong, Thomas and Dexter across you. The interviewer is seated at the middle. You give him a funny look when you saw him staring at you, hiding the creeps he's giving you. No one seems to notice the flirtatious look he's sending you. And so far, you're doing good hiding it and playing it cool. Because, come on, your live in the show.

You were pulled out of your trance when Dylan calls you, "Y/N! Come on, your zoning out again." He said looking at you with worried eyes. You see, you were always the quiet one in the group. They weren't hard to be with, but your just a little scared of making  new friends. It always makes you nervous.

You gave Dylan a small smile, "I'm good, Dyl. Don't worry about me." You scan the room then have a small eye contact with Thomas. You always think he's attractive with his untamed hair and chocolate brown eyes. You always have a small crush on him. But he only see you as a friend, at least that's what you thought.

"As I was  saying, Y/N, do you have an eye for one of the boys?" The interviewer said giving you a flirtatious smile that almost make you vomit, right here, right now.

"Well–" you started but you were cut off by Will. "She has her eyes on me." He said joking. You look at him incredolously. Soon Dylan joins in, "What? She asked me out once, you shank!"

"Well, we go out on a date one time." Dexter said holding his laughter. By now, Kaya, the only person in the room who knows you have a crush on Thomas is laughing so hard that you fear for her own life.

And knowing Ki Hong, he won't let the others have fun without him involved, "You've been on a date? Well, we've been on a club before. You should see her in her black tight dress. Smokin'!"

Then everyone's eyes landed on Thomas when he cleared his throat louder than necessary. He has this "stop messing around shanks" look on his face.

You were the one who broke the silence, "I solemnly swear, none of it is true. I promise, cross my heart, hope to die." You said without breaking your eye contact with Thomas. As if you were saying it directly to him and no one else.

You were all surprised when he stand up. He walk towards you. He have this aura that yells danger on him, while you, scared to death, sit still on your couch. Slowly sinking between Dylan and Will.

Then, something unexpected happens. Thomas pulls you up so you were standing in front of him, then smashed his lips to yours, kissing you.

You're eyes widened because of surprise. You were kissing Thomas Sangster on national TV! Live! But after awhile, you respond to his kisses. You  kiss in front of the whole country, and your heart says its the right thing to do.

Thomas ended the kiss and look at the whole room. Scanning everyone's reaction. Kaya and Dylan are smiling sheepishly, thinking that its about time you two "admitted" your love for each other. While the others have this surprised look on their faces, mouth hanging open.

Thomas smirked, "Shanks, close your mouths, you might catch a fly." He said chuckling. He then glared at the interviewer, "And you. Don't you dare flirt with my girl again." He said before exiting the room, taking you with him.

My girl. You smile to yourself. This might be the start for something incredible.

Thomas Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now