she knew exactly what to do

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    As Jo headed down the stairs, she thought about how unfair the whole situation was.
If I was a boy, I wouldn't need to get married, I could rule on my own.
Why are king the boss of everything, anyway? What's so great about men? I'm the royal descendant.
Jo knew that whining wasn't going to help anything. So once she got down to breakfast, she started on her plan.
"Uncle Jervie?" the bright eyed young girl asked.
"Yes, my dearest Jo," Uncle Jarvis replied, chuckling at his niece's nickname for him and he handed her a scone and some jam, (her favorite breakfast)
"Could I go down to the library after we eat, I must do some research"
"Of course! It makes me so proud when you build intellect! You are really a smart young girl!" Uncle Jervie's voice echoed throughout the large dining room. The servants nearly dropped their platters!

The way Jo skipped down the steps to the library with Tobias' hand in hers, you would have never guessed that the preceding day, both her parents were killed.
Her parents were cruel anyway, and she had a plan.
She, however needed help. And she knew where.
The son of Theodore,  the man she was supposed to marry.
She didn't know him very well, but she decided to give him a chance.
Had her parents not been nearly as evil as Theodore, and had she not turned out as accepting as she was, she would not have given him the time of day.
But she had learned not to judge people by their parents.
As far as she knew, parents didn't raise their children, anyway.
She met him in the library.
"Jo!" he called her over with a smile.
She beamed.
They sat for an hour, sipping green tea and consuming a very large amount of crisps.
Constantine flipped through a book about the arranged marriages of the kingdom, reading the content out loud as Jo listened intently, analyzing the information, searching for a loophole in her vast mind.
Constantine looked up- stopping. The seven year old bit his lip.

"We should go to the courthouse. They have a lot more information, and if we act like citizens, someone will help us without suspicion." he whispered.
"Great idea, Constance, lets lovethese guys. Grab a hat, so they won't be able to tell our age."

They waited until Tobias turned around, and snack out with agility that would impress ninjas.

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