Crystal gazing

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Nope. Nope, I can't do Mondays. It's not even class time and I already want to crawl back into my nice warm bed!

Draco is half asleep, had to catch his head before it fell into his eggs, everyone at the Slytherin table looks dead compared to the others.

I could see Harry, Ron and Hermione, they were chatting among themselves until Harry caught me staring.

I have a slight wave and a small smile, in which he returned.

Not sure if all of them trust me, I guess they are not that bad, not as bad as Draco puts it.

Sighing, I downed my (f/d) {Favourite drink} and got my stuff ready for class.

—Small Time Skip brought to you by Hermione's "light" reading—

Finally, the last class I have today!
A lot of students don't like it, however I find it quite fascinating. Especially with the strange dreams I keep having...also my boggart.

Who are those people? Why can't I see their face?

I'll have to ask Trelawney.

"Behold, the art of crystal gazing! Open your mind, only then can you see!"

I gazed into the crystal ball, Nothing was changing.

'I guess I'm not cut of for divination...'

Draco let out a groan of boredom next to me.

"This is so stupid" he muttered, dramatically sighing against my shoulder, in which I just shoved him off, shushing him as I gazed back into the foggy mist.

Opening my mind, I saw the mist mold into figures, lots of them, gathered round a table as one circles. They all look nervous, even though I cannot see their faces.

Suddenly it changed into the man and woman, from my dream, except the woman was lying on the ground, still.
The man, cradling her upper body as his shoulders shook with grief.

She must have died....

It disappeared when Trelawney came over to our table.

"What did you see dear!? Your face has gone white!" She rambled, taking a hold of my hand, some of the class had turned their head, including Harry and definitely Draco.

"A meeting, and what seemed like someone grieving over a loved one..." I murmured, trying to get my head round what I had just seen.

"Hmmm you have talent young lady! Able to see things of what will happen and what could happen!" She grinned, clapping.

"But how will I know which is which?" Was this something that will happen or something that could?

"Ah, that is what you will soon find out!" She said looking at my palm, tracing the lines on my hand, a sad smile painted her face as she patted my cheek and moved to another table.

"You can see the future!?" Malfoy asked excitedly, sighing I knew that he was never going to live this down.

"What am I about to say!?" He grinned nudging my side.

I gave him a side way glance and a small smile, and replied "probably something stupid!" In which he scowled, muttering a small "my father will hear about this!" Under his breath.

Rolling my eyes, my attention was brought to Hermione who abruptly stood up and knocked the ball off the table, stalking out the class room.

"Was it something I said?" The Professor asked Harry and Ron.

"What's her problem?" Malfoy scoffed in disgust, like he actually cares if she was here or not.

I just shrugged, watching the girl storm down the stairs.

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now