Whomping Willow/Shrieking Shack! Part 1

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Sirius has Ron by the ankle, dragging him towards the Willow!

"Ah Harry!" He screamed, Harry and Hermione ran after him, failing to grasp hold of him and pull him away from Sirius' grasp.

I didn't run in to help him as I know that he wouldn't hurt Ron unless he had to......so why was he dragging him?

'The Rat! It's got to be Ron's rat, stibbers I think'

I was interrupted by the screams of Harry and Hermione being attacked by the tree!

Both of them getting whacked and almost flattened by the ruthless plant.

Hermione's POV

A loud roar made the tree stop for a second, looking over I saw (Y/n) charging towards us.

A branch swung for Harry, and she grabbed it with her teeth, pull no it down, making the Willows attention devote to her!

I grabbed Harry's shirt, and threw him down the hole.

(Y/n) continued to fight the branches off, in order to get to me.

I flinched at the sound of something snapping and her loud yelp. She managed to grab the back of my shirt with her teeth, like a cat would do to a kitten, throwing me down into the hole.

I landed on Harry, causing him to groan in pain.

"Sorry" I whispered, suddenly a body came tumbling down as me and Harry stood up.

(Y/n) was weakly getting up, clutching onto her ribs, blood staining her top.

"I've had worse" she said through gritted teeth when she noticed our concerned looks.

Ron's cries made us run, hurrying through a tunnel until we got inside a building.

"This is the shrieking shack isn't it?" I asked, only to be replied with Ron's scream.

We all ran upstairs, and saw him sitting in the corner whimpering.

"Ron! Where's the dog!?" We all ran to him, where he meekly pointed to behind the door.

"It's a trap Harry, he's the dog! He's an animagus!"

The pain in my ribs was killing me, but this was serious, (pun intended 🖤).

Turning we saw that the paw marks walked towards a man, not just any man.

Sirius Black!

Hermione moves in front of Harry protectively, as Sirius came closer.

"If you want Harry, you'll have to kill us to!" However Sirius just shook his head.

"Only one will die tonight..." he clearly meant Peter, wherever he was.

But Harry took his own turn, "than it shall be you!" He grabbed Sirius' neck and threw him on the ground, pointing his wand at his head!

Sirius just laughed, "are you going to kill me Harry?"

Suddenly the doors burst open and Professor Lupin came in.

"Expelliarmus!" He shouted, disarming Harry and motioning him to move away from the prison escapee.

"Well well Sirius, looking rather rugged aren't you! Finally the flesh reflects the madness within" Lupin smirked as Sirius smiled.

"You'd know all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus!" Lupin lowered his wand and helped Sirius up, and gave him a bro hug.

"I've found him! It's him! Let's kill him!" Sirius rushes causing Hermione to shout out.

"No! I trusted you, and all this time, you've been his friend! He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!"

You may be wondering as to why I'm not in a shock and as frightened as the others. Well one, I'm concentrating on the pain digging into my chest, and two, I know that both of them mean no harm to us, but Harry deserves to know the truth coming from them.

"How long have you known?" Lupin looked alarmed.

"Since Professor Snape set the essay!" She was breathing heavily, which clearly indicated that she was terrified.

"Well well Hermione, you really are the smartest witch of your age!" He said.

"Um excuse you! I am right here!" I groaned and Lupin came over to me, "are you ok (Y/n)?" He showed true concern until Sirius piped up.

"Enough talking Remus! Let's kill him!" He said rather frantically.

"Wait-" Lupin started but was soon interrupted.

"I did my waiting! 12 years of it! In Azkaban, (Y/n) knows! She was there!" Everyone gave me stern looks, but they can go to hell, I was in there for no fault of my own!

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