The argument

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    As bill quickly speeds off on his bike, the rest of the boys start getting on theirs. I see Eddie get on his and I just decide to ride with him.
   "It's ok if I ride with you, right Ed's?" I ask, giving him a small smile.
    "Oh of course y/n" He says back. I look over my shoulder and see Richie looking at the ground with a dirty look. I try to ignore it as I get on eddies bike.
    "Eddie don't get a boner!" Richie yells jokingly but I can hear a tint of anger and jealousy.
    "Oh shut the fuck up richie." Eddie says and rolls his eyes. I giggle a bit at the two boys. Eddie starts peddling and soon all of us are going after Bill, scared as hell.
    As Eddie rides I can feel my heart in my throat, beating nonstop. I let out a deep breath, sighing loudly. I rest my head on eddies shoulder and whisper, "I'm so fucking terrified Eddie, let's just stick together and hope we don't fucking die." I pause and let out a sigh. "I know I'll be ok with you and Richie by my side, I love you Eddie thank you for sticking with me."
    Even without seeing his face I could tell he was smiling. He might've even let a tear or two fall. If we weren't on a bike riding to the scariest place we could go, I could guarantee he would have me in a bone crushing hug right now.
    As if the ride had been no time at all, Eddie stops in front of the old Neibolt house. Bill is already on the porch ready to walk in.
    "Bill!" I hear Beverly yell. I slowly get off of eddies bike, after eddie gets off he lets it fall to the ground, making a loud crash. "Bill you can't go in there, this is crazy!" Bev yells with concern for bill.
    "Look you don't have to go in with me, b-but what happens when another g-Georgie goes missing." He says with barely any stuttering. "Or another Betty? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? B-because I c-can't." Bill says his voice slightly cracking with sadness. "I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there...his clothes, his toys, all his stupid stuffed animals. So I'm walking into this house, for me, because it's easier than walking into my own." Bill finishes. It finally occurred to me just how much pain this boy was in. I felt a couple tears roll down my cheek in sympathy.
   "Wow," Richie says as we watch bill walk into the house.
   "What?" I ask.
    "He didn't stutter once." Richie says before starting to walk into the house.
"Wait! Shouldn't someone stay out here? To keep watch." Stanley says in hopes he could stay outside.
"W-who wants to stay out here?" Bill asks. Everyone but me and Beverly raise their hand.
"Bill, I'm going with you." I say and walk up and stand next to bill.
"I'll go too then." Eddie says and stands next to me.
"Welp that means I'm going to make sure he doesn't try anything." Richie says and wraps his arm around me protectively.
"Ok then let's go, we'll be back." Bill says as he opens the door. I grab Richie's hand and slowly step into the house.
After heading inside I look at my surroundings, seeing cobwebs and old wood. I look back at Richie and notice he is looking at a weird house plant type tree. He slowly walks towards it and pulls a piece of paper out of it.
"This says I'm missing. Omg I'm gonna go missing. That's my name, my age, my shirt, my face!" I take a peek at the paper and see Richie's face and name, in bold print on the crinkled piece of paper.
"Richie calm down, you're not missing, I would never let that happen." I say and wrap my arms around him, calming him. I feel his arms wrap around me while his shaky breath slows down.
"Don't ever forget me y/n" he pauses and looks me in the eye. I see tear stains when I look at him. "If I go missing, just, don't forget me." He says. My heart breaks hearing his plead, knowing he's genuinely terrified of being forgotten.
"Richie I could never forget you." I say and wrap my arms around him again. "And I won't let you go missing. If that thing even tries he'll be sorry." I say and slowly give Richie a kiss.
"Sorry to break up the moment guys, but we are in a creepy ass house with a bitch ass clown in it, so let's hurry it up so I can get the fuck out as quick as possible." Eddie says as he takes a puff of his inhaler.
"Fuck off eddie stop being so jealous, I know you have a thing for her" Richie says madly squinting at Eddie.
"W-what no, no I don't" Eddie says defensively.
"Come fucking on man, it's so obvious! The way you stare at her ass when she's walking!" Richie says starting to yell.
"Shut the fuck up Richie! Unlike you I don't want her just for her body!" Eddie says also getting angry.
"You don't know shit Eddie! I love her!" Richie says and starts to get up in eddies face.
"You're just trying to get your tiny dick sucked, you don't know what Love is!"
"You know what Eddie, fuck you!" Richie says then pushes Eddie over. Eddie gets back up angrier than ever.
"You're a fucking asshole Richie! Don't come crying to me when you mess up and break y/n's heart!" Eddie says, full on crying.

"G-guys Shut the fuck u-up and help me f-find this thing"

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now