Im done with you

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   "Sorry bill, we're coming." Richie says and grabs my hand. I look back at Eddie with a sad face, and give him a sympathetic smile. He smiles back even though I know he feels like shit.
We look around until we end up in a long dark hallway. Bill was in front while me and Richie were linked together behind him. Eddie slowly walked a good distance away probably to avoid tension. Slowly Bill, Richie and I start walking into a room.  As soon as we were through the door frame the door closed on us, leaving Eddie alone in the hallway.
   "Eddie! Eddie are you ok?!" I say and try to open the door with all my strength.
    "Guys?! Guys!" I hear Eddie yell.
    "Eddie!" I yell frantically. Bill and I start twisting the doorknob and pounding on the door in hopes we could get to Eddie. With all the yelling and pounding, I didn't notice Richie start to walk into another room. I stop working on the door and slowly step towards Richie. He steps into the room.
    "Richie?" I ask. He turns around and tries walking to me, before the door slams shut. Bill immediately runs over.
    "Richie! Open the door!" I yell.
    "Y/n?! Bill?" I hear Richie yell in fear. I pound on the door as bill tries to open it.
   "Richie, what's going on?!" I yell getting more and more scared. But what really scared me, is when I didn't hear anything back from him.
Bill and I stood there, breath hitching in our throats. I kept trying to open the door, even though deep down I wouldn't be able to get it open. I stood there, my thoughts rushing through my head. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice 5 minutes had past.
I'm broken out of my thoughts with a scream. Suddenly Richie bursts through the door. He looks traumatized. His eyes look for mine, when the find them, Richie runs over and engulfs me in a hug.
"We g-gotta get out of here." Bill says seriously. We start trying to head out, when we hear a noise behind us. I turn around quickly, I see a bruised and dead looking eddie.
"Wanna play loogie?" The thing asks before spitting up some type of freaky liquid. I quickly try to turn away, but when I turn around there are three doors labeled, not scary at all, scary, and very scary. I look over at Richie and bill, we all quickly run to the door labeled not scary at all. When we open it, we see nothing.
"What is it?" Richie asks. Bill sticks his hand in and turns on the light. Right before our eyes we see half of Betty ripsom. We close the door as quickly as possible.
"Where the fuck were her legs?!" Richie yells terrified.
"I don't fucking know." I say back also a great deal traumatized.
"R-remember guys it's not real. W-we are gonna walk through that door and f-find Eddie." Bill says bravely. We open the door and see the hallway. I start running when I don't immediately see Eddie, the boys also start to worry and run behind me. I keep running when I hear eddies screams. I suddenly found one of the doors we went through and open it.
"Eddie!" I yell. Then I freeze, seeing the clown before with his big, dirty hands wrapped around eddies throat.
"This isn't real enough for you billy? I'm not real enough? It was real enough for Georgie." The clown says. Quickly he starts running towards us. I close my eyes expecting the worst, then I heard Beverly scream in anger, I look up and see Beverly stabbed the clown. I run as quickly as I can to Eddie. I wrap my arms around him as he screams, the rest come over and start trying to get him to get up. He just sits there screaming. I cry as I see his arm, and the look of pure terror in his eyes. I thought I lost him. I couldn't live with myself if I lost Eddie. I need him. He needs me. I cry into his shoulder as the rest keep yelling and screaming. I close my eyes and take in his scent. The only thing I can think about is Eddie. I don't care about the clown that's been stabbed, or the screaming. I just care about Eddie, and how he was in my arms, and he was ok.
The clown turns around and I turn my head, terrified. He starts walking towards us, he stops then turns his body quickly, scratching Ben.
"Don't let him get away." Bill says before getting up following the clown. I cry into eddies shoulder in relief. After a minute or two bill comes back.
"I'm gonna snap your arm back into place." Richie says before taking a hold on eddies arm.
"Do NOT fucking touch me!" Eddie screams. Before Richie could say anything else I heard the snapping of Eddies arm. Eddie screams in pain. I hug onto him hoping he would stop, seeing him in pain is like hell.
"I know you hurt Eddie but we have to go!" I say while wiping my tears. He nods and I quickly get up, then grab him by his waist. He stands up and we all quickly run out of the house. As soon as we were outside we saw eddies moms car. She rushes over to eddie and grabs at him.
"You all are monsters! You know he's sensitive." Mrs. K says while putting eddie in the car.
"We were attacked!" Bill says trying to defend us.
"I don't wanna hear it!" She said back. She drops her keys on the ground, then Bev tries to help.
"Oh I've heard about you ms. Marsh. I don't want a dirty girl like you around my son." She says. "I don't want any of you hanging around Eddie ever again, and I was just starting to like you y/n" She says as she walks to her side of the car.
I frown and look at Eddie through the window. He mouths, "see you later, I love you." I smile at him and mouth back. "Love you too."
"What the fuck did you just say I love you to eddie?" Richie asks in shock.
"Well yeah. He's one of my best friends, i love all you guys." I say. I frown a little knowing that when I said I love you to eddie I might of said it more meaningfully that I want.
"I saw the well, w-we know where's it's at, a-and next time we'll be better prepared."
"No! No next time bill! You're insane!" Stan yells.
"We all know nobody else is gonna do anything about it!" Bev argues back.
"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie yells.
"Exactly Richie, eddies probably traumatized right now, but we need to get it, so Eddie can get over this, so we can all get over this, so we don't have to be paranoid."
"Y/n, you can't keep his damn name out of your mouth. Eddie this eddie that!" Richie yells. I've never seen Richie this angry before, and especially not with me.
"Richie, l" I start to talk but Richie cuts me off.
"No y/n! I don't wanna hear it! You always have your hands all over him, like a slut!" Richie yells at me. "You're a fucking slut." Richie repeats himself.
"R-Richie shut the fuck up." Bill says trying to defend me.
"No, Bill, you're delusional. Georgie's dead! You're going to get yourself killed, and you hang around a slut!" Richie yells.
"T-take it back!" Bill yells. "TAKE IT BACK." He repeats himself. Richie doesn't answer, he just pushes bill, bill pushes back, then punches richie in the face, causing him to fall over.
"You know what fuck all of you, you're all just a bunch of fucking losers! You're gonna get yourselves killed!"
"Guys fucking stop!" Beverly yells. "It's trying to divide us. We were all together when that happened. That's why we're still alive!" She says.
"Oh yeah? Well I plan to keep it that way!" Richie says before walking off. I grab his shoulder.
"Richie wait."
"Don't touch me y/n, I'm done with you" He says before grabbing his bike. One by one Stan, Ben, and mike all ride off, leaving bill Beverly and I. I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around me, it was bill.
"Y-you're not a slut, he's j-just mad." He says during the hug. I let my tears fall.
"Either way, he dumped me." I say crying hard.
"I'm sorry." Bill says. "I'll give you a ride home.

"Thanks billy"

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now