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I wake up in a dark place, cold, and wet. My eyes are hot and stinging from tears, and I can barley tell where my cold and numb limbs are. I can't tell what's worse, the pain on the inside or the pain on the inside. I turn my head, trying to get a feel for where I am.
I sit up, I wince a bit feeling a cut on my leg. I look at it and it's about the length of my thumb. I do my best to get on my feet. I look around and see a bunch of junk, dirty water, and a big stage in front of me. I look around a bit more and see something bright and orange and oddly familiar not too far away. My curiosity gets the best of me and I take a few steps towards it. As I get closer I see more and more of what's there. The orange thing was hair, and that hair, belonged to Beverly. I kneel down quickly looking at her to see if she's ok.
   "Beverly? Beverly!" I whisper yell a bit trying to see if she'll wake up. I see her eyes move a bit, then they slowly flutter open. I hug her tightly glad to see her ok.
   "Oh thank god." I say and my arms wrap around her.
   "Where are we? Did the clown get you too?" She asks starting to slowly sit up. I nod at her and hang my head sadly. I stand up and put my hand out, she grabs it and carefully pulls herself up.
   "How are we gonna get out?" I ask while I look around, seeing a couple tunnels but not many options. Before she could answer I hear a loud voice, the voice introduces 'Pennywise The Dancing Clown' then the stage opens up, to reveal him. Pennywise stares straight at us before dancing. Me and Bev push ourselves against the wall and look at him with terrified expressions. He finishes dancing and starts walking toward us.
   "I'm not scared of you!" Beverly says boldly as she keeps her ground.
   "Aww, you will be." He says before grabbing her by the neck.
   "No!" I say and try to help but he pushes me over. He looks into her eyes as his teeth start to sharpen and multiply. She struggles and kicks, soon there is a bright light coming from the back of his throat. She soon stopped kicking, stopped moving at all. He lets go, but she doesn't fall, she very slowly starts floating up. I break down, tears coming from my eyes.
    "No!" I get up quickly and pull her down, only for her to go back up again. "No no no no no! Beverly please! I've lost everything I can't lose you too please!" I yell through heavy tears.
   "Aww why so sad?" The clown says before quickly popping up behind me, and turning me to face him. He also grabs me by the neck, having me face to face to him. "How about you float y/n?" He asks with a smile.
   Would it really be that bad? Feeling empty down here can't be any worse from being empty up there.
   I start hearing fast footsteps and voices. I turn my head slightly and see the losers, even Eddie, running to get me.
   "Oh look here, your little friends are here to save you! Welp too bad they can't!" He says before giggling more.
   "Put her down you asshole!" I hear Eddie yell. I start spacing out from all the physical pain. I hear muffled screaming and the grip around my neck tightens. Can this be over. Yes, it can.
   "I give up." I say quietly, almost having no voice left in me. "Goodbye everyone. I love you guys, and you especially Richie." I say before turning towards the clown, feeling as if I had no choice. He giggles a bit before opening his mouth again. I start losing all senses.
   "NO! NO PLEASE NO." I hear Richie yell, whilst choking on tears. Before I completely go, I look over at him and smile, before feeling my face freeze up. My mind goes numb. Everything goes black.

(I cried while writing this)

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now