Here comes the dork.

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I walk down the street with my Walkman in hand. There are no pockets on this stupid dress. It's comfy though so I wear it a lot. I listen to my favorite songs while smiling at how beautiful this day was. It's finally summer. I'm alone because I'm homeschooled and don't really have many friends.
As I'm walking my all time favorite song starts playing. I start skipping like an idiot while quietly singing along. I probably look like a dork right now, especially since I'm alone.
I see something in the corner of my eye that catches my attention. It's a missing kid poster. I slowly take my headphones off, feeling like the cheery music was no longer appropriate.
"Georgie Denbrough." I read aloud sadly, he was so young. It's terrible what's happening in this town.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?" I hear a voice say. I turn around to be greeted by a pale dark haired boy in glasses.
"I was just going for a walk since it's finally summer." I state with a beaming smile.
"I'm Richie, Richie Tozier, what name belongs to your pretty face?"
"Oh Richie Tozier, the trashmouth? I've heard a bit about you, I'm Y/n."
I smirk at him a little and he smiles.
"All good things I hope, I don't want my chances ruined already." He says confidently.
"Do you flirt with everyone or am I getting special treatment?" I giggle a bit.
"Only pretty faces can get some of this." He winks at me. He's pretty cute.
"Then I'm afraid I have no chance," I giggle at my own joke about myself.
"EXCUSE ME. Why would you say that you are gorgeous." He fake gasps as if he's offended.
"Whatever," I say with a happy smile.
"Do you maybe wanna hang out with me and the rest of the losers? We are going to the Barrens which isn't really a nice first date but Bill wants to look for his little brother." Richie says smugly as he slips in the hint he wants it to be a date.
"That sounds fun, and did you say first date?" I smirk at him, letting him know I caught on.
"Nope! Let's go then Princess!" He says in a posh accent totally pushing aside my question.

(At the Barrens)

After riding on the back of Richie's bike for like five minutes we get to the Barrens. I see three other boys.
"Fucking finally Richie, why are you so behind?" A boy with short brown hair says, clearly annoyed.
"I found a dork. A pretty one too!" Richie states making me blush.
"H-hi I'm B-bill." A taller boy says with a smile. He seems sweet.
"I'm Stanley." The curly haired one says.
"Eddie." The short one says.
"Hello. I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you all."
After a few minutes of meeting the boys , Stanley starts checking off all the plants that are poison ivy, which is apparently all of them based in what he's saying.
"Where's the poison ivy? No where! Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley!" Richie says getting annoyed.
"Well I'm starting to feel itchy" Eddie says paranoid.
"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie asks cutting of Eddie while walking into the opening of the sewer.
"Yeah, sometimes." Eddie answers.
"Then you probably have crabs." Richie says. I giggle a bit while trying not to make Eddie even more annoyed.
"Finally someone who understands my humor" Richie says appreciating the slight giggle. "Are you guys coming in?" He says referring to Eddie, Stanley and I. I walk in and stand next to Richie, then motion for Eddie and Stanley to do the same.
"Nuh uh, that's grey water." Eddie says determined to not step foot in the gross water.
"What the hell is grey water?" I ask annoyed at Eddie's persistence.
"It's basically just piss and shits, you guys are walking around in millions of gallons of Derry pee." Eddie says like a smart ass. Richie picks up a stick at sniffs it, earning him a disgusted look from Eddie.
"It doesn't smell like Caca to me señor." Richie says in a terrible accent.
"I can smell it from here!" Eddie argues back.
While they argue back and forth i notice bill holding a shoe.
"Guys!" I get their attention and point to the shoe.
"Shit, don't tell me that's."Stanley starts but is cut of by bill.
"Georgie wore galoshes." Bill states.
"Who's is it." Eddie asks.
"It's Betty Ripsoms." When Eddie hears that he takes a big huff of his inhaler. He starts going on and on about how he doesn't feel good about this and he doesn't want to go missing too.
"Imagine how Betty feels, running around these tunnels with only one fricking shoe." Richie jokes while hopping on one foot.
"If I-i were Betty, i w-would want us to f-find her, and Georgie too." Bill states. All of a sudden a kid around our age comes running down the river.
"Holy shit, what happened to you?"

Yay that was my first chapter of this book. We will get to more romance stuff soon, wink wonk. I plan on updating a lot so don't worry.

I'm a loser, you're a dork. (Richie Tozier x reader) Where stories live. Discover now