Meeting Him

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Authors Note in 2022: why are y'all still reading this?😭


*Bonnie's POV*

I smiled as Chica sang our song: The one momma and poppa always sang to us when we were kids, clapping along to the beat without a care in the world...

That was about ten years ago.

Today is my seventeenth birthday and the tenth year I've been living in Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, although I never actually met this Freddy Fazbear guy. I was interested in doing so, though, since I was a shy, gay nerd, and I most certainly wouldn't find interest in Foxy. I was inside of the closet, though; Foxy and Chica didn't know. I didn't plan on telling them anytime soon, either.

"Yar, har! That song be great! I can listen to it all day." Foxy shot us his full-wattage grin as he winked with his good eye. He used to be able to see with both eyes; he typically only wore his eye patch for show, since he was a pirate. But, during one of our performances- before we were shut down and left to rot seven years ago, a kid had jabbed his finger into Foxy's eye while he was holding the kid.

Let's just say that Foxy was not as happy as the kid was.

Ever since then, he despised children in every way remotely possible. It was the sad truth.

I smiled at Chica and Foxy as I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the song's great. Thanks for singing it to me, sis." I hugged her and giggled as she poked me twice in my side, knowing I was really ticklish.

"You got it, baby bro! Just try not to freak with your birthday gifts like you do every year, ya weirdo," she grinned and ruffled my purple hair. My bunny ears twitched and I smiled.

"Alright, mate, let's tear open some treasure! Mine first!" Foxy ran to a big, beautiful gold and red box, a shimmering golden bow perched on top of the neatly wrapped present. He handed it to me, practically shaking with excitement. I delicately and slowly pulled off the bow to tease him, causing him to hit me in the arm and whine for me to speed it up. Chica and I laughed and I nodded, ripping the paper and bow off. It was a brand new red guitar!

"Oh my God, Foxy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms around him, my eyes glowing with joy.

"Heh, no problem, Bon," a light pink blush spread over his face as he hugged me back and I giggled, pulling back and strumming a few strings of the guitar. I loved it!

"Mine, next~!" Chica sang, pulling out a small yellow box, decorated with blue polkadots. She dropped it into my hand and I tore off the wrapping paper, revealing a small black box with a red button sitting in its center.

I looked at her in confusion. She smiled, pointing to the huge brown and blue present I had been eyeing all day with curiosity. "Press the button and prepare to be wowed!"

I nodded, excitement drowning out my confusion. I held the button in my hand and pressed it with my thumb. I waited and heard a few clicks. Suddenly, the walls of the box began pulling away from each other and fell to the ground. What stood in the middle of the now opened box shocked me, making my mouth drop open.

"Happy birthday, Bon!" Chica smiled and scooped me up. I yelped in surprise as she began walking to the teenager in a white shirt, brown pants and vest, black shoes, a black hat, and adorable bear ears. His blue eyes shone in the light. I blushed as I took him in and blinked, realizing I was now in his arms.

"Hapy birthday, I'm Freddy Fazbear." He smiled and my stomach did a flip seeing his perfect smile, with his perfect lips, and his prefect everything.

"Taadaaaaa! I made your gay dreams come true!" Chica laughed.

My face heated up and I knew it was red. "W-what?! How did you k-know?!"

"It's obvious, Bon," she rolled her eyes as Foxy nodded in agreement behind her, grinning from ear to ear.

I felt movement and felt something soft pressing against my cheek. I realized that it was Freddy's lips and I blushed, looking at him with uncertainty of what to say.

"Don't worry, we can get to know each other slowly, I'm a patient person." He smiled and leaned forward, whispering in my ear, "and I'll wait for you for as long as I have to..~"

I squeaked and he gave a loud, booming laugh. It made me smile without realizing it and he looked at my lips. He then smiled and his eyes lit up.

"Awww, you two are so cute together already!" Chica said, sounding fangirly.

"Y'all are gonna be a great pair! Just like a pirate and the sea," Foxy smiled goofily and saluted like a true pirate.

I felt myself being put down and felt my feet touch the ground of the party room. Behind me was a table with a white sheet decorated with colorful polkadots. In a blink I was sitting on the edge of it and Freddy was in front of me, his hands on my hips. My eyes widened as he leaned in and kissed my neck. He pulled away and looked me in my wide eyes. He then laughed and slipped his hands around my waist, burying his face into my neck.

I heard him mumble, "You're so cute when you're surprised and flustered."

I blushed and rested my hands on his hips, letting my body relax. I felt his lips turn upwards into a smile against my neck, which made me smile, too. I then blinked, realizing that Chica and Foxy were no longer present in the room with us. I glanced around twice and sure enough, I didn't spot them.

Freddy noticed, too, because he whispered in my ear, "seems we're alone..~" He kissed my neck again.

I bit my lip and he pulled away, his hands still on my waist. He laughed and grinned. "It's fun to tease you."

"Ahhh! S-shut uppp!" I stuffed my face in my hands as I felt my face heat up again. He let out another one of his booming laughs that made me smile.

"So, where should we start to get to know each other?"

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