Meeting Y/N

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*Note: You will be included in the story! You will be indicated by "Y/N" and you get to choose your gender, name, etc. if you don't want to be... well, you. It can be more of a roleplay thing if you wish. So, enjoy~!*

Meeting Y/N

Bonnie giggled as Freddy led him outside of the pizzeria, guiding Bonnie with muttered directions and a bit of physical help. Freddy kept his hands placed over Bonnie's eyes gently, glancing down at his feet occasionally to be sure Bon wouldn't trip or lose his footing. Finally, after a few minutes of walking, Freddy said, "okay, stop."

Bonnie stopped in his tracks and asked impatiently, "can I look now?!"

"Yeah," Freddy said, and let his hands drop to his sides. Bonnie blinked from the sudden light after his eyes being covered for so long. After his eyes had properly adjusted, his gaze fell upon Y/N.


I gave a warm smile in greeting as Bonnie looked at me. At first he seemed confused, his purple ear twitching. Then his eyes shone with recognition. He perked up and ran forward, nearly causing me to fall as he hugged me. I laughed a bit and returned the warm embrace. He then pulled away and stood beside Freddy, though his gaze never left mine.

"Oh my god, I never thought I'd see you again, Y/N!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with excitement.

"I know! But Freddy said he talked to Chica and she remembered me. So, Freddy found me somehow and, well, I'm here to see you!" I replied in one breath, smiling.

"Aww, Freddy, you're the best!" Bonnie said, his smile even brighter now.

"Heh, no problem," Freddy said with a small sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. I could tell he felt weird around me, seeing as we didn't know each other well. But we had spoken a few times before, so it wasn't too bad.

"Hey, remember when I said we should go out more often with Foxy and Chica?" Bonnie said, turning to Freddy.

"Yeah, why?" he asked, tilting his head slightly in fake curiosity, knowing where Bonnie was going with it.

"Let's go out with them today, and bring Y/N with us, too!" he said, eyes big with hope.

"Weeell, I was going to do some cleaning today..." Freddy trailed off, looking away.

"Aww, please, Fred?! You're always working in the pizzeria or off doing errands for Chica and Foxy!" Bonnie countered, pouting. Freddy laughed.

"Fine, fine. But tomorrow you're helping me clean. We'll do your bedroom last," Freddy said with a wink, causing Bonnie to flush.

"Fine. Thank you so much!" Bonnie hugged Freddy before turning his attention back to me, taking my hand and pulling me along with him back to the pizzeria. "We're gonna get you dressed up and we're gonna go out today! Fun only!"

I smiled as I grasped Bonnie's hand, following him into the pizzeria, Freddy following behind me, his shoes clicking on the shiny wooden floor beneath us.

Today was going to be a fun day.

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