The Amusement Park Intro

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*Note: My apologies for literally never putting out a new chapter. I have no excuses. I just got lazy and forgot. I hope people will still decide to vote and read this fanfiction :) So, please enjoy this chapter. Thank you. <3


1: The Amusement Park


"Sure!" Foxy, Chica, and Ren agreed together at my suggestion of going to the amusement park, Bonnie nodding in approval along with them. Freddy, however, didn't seem too happy upon the mention of an amusement park.

"I-I-I don't know... A-aren't those places, y-y-you know... d-dangerous..?" Freddy said cautiously, blushing in embarrassment as he looked up shyly at us. Foxy laughed.

"What do ye mean by that, mate?" he said.

"I-I-I mean... r-roller coasters have b-broken down and h-h-hurt people b-before... W-w-what if that happens to u-us..? And people have fallen off of the rides!" Freddy startled, giving a fearful squeak. Foxy only laughed and shrugged.

"Those types of things rarely happen, Fred, and even if they did, I'm sure it won't happen to us," I said, giving him a soft comforting smile. He sighed.

"I-I just... don't want anyone getting hurt again..." he said softly. Bonnie's head shot up and he frowned, walking over to Freddy and wrapping his arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"Do not fret; nothing such as what you imply will happen," Ren said cheerfully, an attempt at making Freddy feel better. But Freddy only seemed to feel worse.

"I have to be within a certain distance of the pizzeria to keep G-Fred from getting loose again, though..." he said sadly. "You guys know this..."

Chica and Foxy frowned, and Ren looked down. I looked between them all in slight confusion. "What do you mean? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Um, y-y-yes..." Chica started. But she then sighed and shook her head. "But I won't say nothin' about it. It ain't my business." She gave a quick glance at Bonnie, who held Freddy in his arms, then at Ren, before falling silent once again.

"Then... maybe we don't have to go to the amusement park..?" I say, feeling bad for ruining the mood. 

"No no, I'll... I'll figure something out. Everyone sounded so happy about going... I-I'm not going to ruin that..." Freddy said softly, looking up at me. I open my mouth before closing it again when I notice his pleading eyes gazing at me, and I nod.

"Maybe I can send the golden bear to the Shadow Realm," Ren suggests.

"Really..? B-But won't that take a lot of energy out of you?" Freddy asks her.

"Yes, but I will be fine." She smiles at him.

"T... Thank you!" Freddy says, his face tired with stress but he managed to return the smile. 

"I will do it now. Where is he?"
she asks him, tilting her head slightly.

"In Parts and Service," he answers.

Ren nods and heads to Parts and Service, floating through the wall. They all waited for her return, slightly on edge. They were all quiet the entire time.

When she finally came back, she was much slower, looking more exhausted than she had a few minutes ago. "It is done. He'll be there until I let him back out."

Freddy nodded. He looked relieved of a great burden. 

Bonnie smiled at Freddy, his eyes sparkling happily to see him looking better already.

"Now, let's go!"

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