The Stage

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*Bonnie's POV*

My body took the whisper as a warning, my arms scooping up Ren somehow, my legs running forward. My brain was commanding them to go somewhere, though I didn't know where exactly. The kitchen? Maybe the party room? Or Foxy's cove? I couldn't tell where we were, the hallways all a peeling bland yellow wallpaper with a black and white checkered pattern. Turn left, right, straight down, make another right...

Suddenly I jumped, my feet finding solid ground, though higher up now. But the wooden floor beneath me was slippery as I looked down at it, shining with my reflection. It was as if time slowed down, then. 

My face was pale, as if I'd seen a ghost. Sweat ran down my face, my hair a wild mop of purple fluff. My eyes were wide with fear, searching the reflection for Golden Freddy possibly behind me.

He was.

Then time sped back up. I slipped forward on the floor, flying into the drum kit set up on the stage. I crashed face-forward into it, a cymbal crashing to the floor, adding to the noise of my fall. Ren had flown forward ahead of me and was just barely floating above me as I turned slowly onto my back. I squinted at her. Her mouth was moving, but I heard no words. There was a loud ringing in my ears that slowly faded into silence. I couldn't hear anything. The silence was deafening. It scared me. Why couldn't I hear? Where was Golden Freddy? Was Ren okay? Where was Freddy and Chica and Foxy? Did anyone hear my fall? My head was swimming in a sea of thoughts, my vision blurring slightly. I raised my head and looked to my left at my propped up guitar, then to the right where a microphone lay forgotten on the stage floor. 


I slowly sat up and squinted to see Freddy, sliding on the hard floor to a halt, climbing up onto the stage and seeming to shout. He held his hand up in the air, Golden Freddy behind him. He seemed to be frozen in place by Freddy's hand, evil smirk and all. I couldn't think. I couldn't hear. I could only see and feel. And I watched as Freddy's eyes scanned his surroundings and rested on me. His tense figure seemed to relax, his legs moving forward towards me. He crouched and put his other hand on my forehead, muttering muted words under his breath. He then scooped me up into his arms, the warmth of him comforting me.

Then, as he seemed to whisper something to me, I blacked out.

*Time Skip*

I woke up in a daze, my head swimming. I felt myself wrapped up in something warm, my hands touching something soft and fluffy. I let my eyes open, adjusting to the light. I then squinted and saw the faint outline of someone cuddled up beside me. I blinked and took a good look at them, realizing it was Freddy. My hands were tangled in his fluffy brown hair, his arms around me and his leg thrown over mine. I realized my shirt was off, my skin tingling from the touch and warmth of his arms. I relaxed slowly into the bed. Freddy must have taken my shirt off for me, knowing I heat up easily when I sleep. I smiled softly, my thoughts now clear. And I realized I could finally hear his small breaths; my hearing had returned. Sighing in relief, I felt Freddy shift. He groaned and turned his head, resting it on my chest. He looked up at me with tired eyes and a sleepy smile, to which I returned. 

"You feel alright..?" he asked groggily as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I answered with a small smile, kissing his head. He smiled softly and stuffed his face into my chest. "What happened to me..?" I asked.

"You blacked out on the way to your room. I took care of G-Fred and Ren is alright. She's with Chica," he muttered into my chest. I nodded. 

"Do Chica and Foxy know about what happened..?" I asked, realizing I hadn't seen them at all; only Freddy and Ren.

"No, they don't. I had to lie here and there, answer their millions of questions, but I took care of it. I got your back," he said, kissing my chest. I blushed slightly.

"Thanks," I said, and I meant it. I didn't want them to know about the entire situation. They would worry too much and become overprotective of me like they used to. I didn't want them treating me like a little kid anymore. "So... wanna go to the park later?" I asked, feeling like some fresh air would be good for me.

"Yeah, but later. Right now, let's just stay here." He moved himself up and kissed me softly. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck gently. I smiled in the kiss, melting into him. He then dragged kisses down my neck, sending shivers throughout my body. His hands then slipped down my body and to my boxers.

*Time Skip*

Freddy and I walked through the park, hand in hand. Birds were chirping high in the trees surrounding us, the leaves a beautiful lively green. There was a breeze blowing, ruffling the leaves and branches, the grass and twigs. I was thankful for Freddy's sweater, keeping me warm. I looked over at him, looking into his sparkling blue yes. He smiled softly; that beautiful smile that always highlights my day. I smiled back and we continued to walk in silence, looking around at the nature surrounding us and the occasional squirrel. 

"Have you been here before?" I ask Freddy, noticing he would stare at everything around him in awe. He smiled sheepily.

"No, actually. I never go outside much."

"Oh... Well, then, we'll have to go out together more often! With Chica amd Foxy and Ren! It'll be so much fun!" I giggled.

"Sure," he nodded in agreement with a smile. We then walked around for an hour or so, planning out a few outside-days, then headed back to the pizzeria.

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