A Tragic Loss... [FINAL CHAPTER]

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"---where we are revisiting the site of the incident at Starland Amusement Park, 2:57 am, where a man by the name of Fredrick Jones di---"


"JUST SHUT UP!" Bonnie screamed at the television. Tears stung his eyes, his breath unsteady. Just the mention of his name caused him to spiral out of control. He had a loose grip on his sanity. 

"Not again..." Chica said aloud as she rushed into Bonnie's room, gripping his thrashing arms behind his back. "It's almost three in the morning, Bon!" She was in her pajamas; fluffy yellow pants and a white tank top.

"LET ME GO! THOSE FUCKING HUMANS," Bonnie spat, "KEEP REMINDING ME! THE INCIDENT! STARLAND! FREDRICK! REVISITING OVER AND OVER, KNOWING I'M OUT HERE SEEING THIS! REMEMBERING IT!" Bonnie continued to scream, half of the words nonsense. He was completely out of control tonight.

It had been four months since the incident, but to Bonnie, it may as well have happened yesterday. Everyone in the pizzeria knew he was broken, but they were too scared to admit it. Too scared to face the truth. But Bonnie wasn't.

"YOU KNOW IT! YOU KNOW I'M FUCKED UP, DON'T YOU?!" he screamed at his sister. "JUST SEND ME AWAY ALREADY! DO IT!" his voice became shrill.

Ren floated in at a quick pace. "Foxy, he's at it again!" she yelled. Chica gave Ren a thankful look. Ren nodded in acknowledgment of it and turned to see Foxy dash into the room, skidding to a stop in his tracks when he saw Bonnie, thrashing in Chica's tight grip.

"Goodness, lad..." Foxy said softly before grabbing him by the shoulders, staring him in the eyes. "Calm. Down."

Bonnie seemed to look straight through the pirate at first as if he weren't there altogether. But his eyes eventually focused on Foxy's and his heaving chest slowed, his rebellion against his sister ceasing. He then began shaking, his entire body racking with loss and sadness. Tears welled up in his glassy eyes and he hugged Foxy tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. 

"There there, lad... Easy now..." Foxy said softly, holding the purple bunny in his arms. Foxy rubbed his back gently and let the shoulder of his tank top get soaked. He didn't care. He just wanted Bonnie to feel better and be okay someday.

"Feelin' any better..?" Chica said in a soft voice after a few minutes of eerie silence. They were all worried and scared for Bonnie.

"Y-Yeah... I'm sorry, sis..." Bonnie sniffled, though making no move to let go of Foxy or even look at her. He was ashamed of himself and how he had acted. He couldn't meet her gaze now.

"It's alright... I know what you're goin' through..." She patted his back gently. And she did. On the day Bonnie had gone missing, she thought she had lost him, and she went into a frenzy, nearly ripping the entire pizzeria apart to find him. Then, she met the same fate he did.

Bonnie nodded slightly and slowly let go of Foxy, who shot him a reassuring smile. Foxy kept Bonnie grounded and sane these days.

He slowly settled himself onto his bed and sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he stared down at his lap. 

"He whispered poems into my ear... Kissed me with a passion that lit me up... Gave me everything I ever wanted in life and more and still tried his hardest to give me so much more... The first person I made love with..." he whispered, his friends nearly missing what he said. 

And now, without him, Bonnie was slowly breaking, and soon enough, he would be gone.

. . . . .

Freddy ran through the forest, his feet pounding on the crunching grass, chest heaving frantically as his lungs demanded a steadier flow of air, his legs burning, arms pumping at his sides. His face beaded with sweat, tears streaming down his face, his eyes darting around him at the thick trees that seemed to be an endless, merciless, torturing maze. He smacked branches away as best as he could without faltering in his run, his exposed upper-body marked with blood and cuts.

In the distance, he heard the howl. The low, deep, grizzly, chilling howl that couldn't be from anything known to mankind. 

The thing that had taken him away from his friends...

and from Bonnie.


This completes Fronnie! Whoo, this was fun to write! I'm considering making a second "book", but I'm not sure. What do you think? Should I make the second "book"? Comment yes or no, and why I should! I'd like to know your opinions ^-^. 

Thank you SO much for reading, commenting, and voting! I love you all! <3

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