Freddy and Chica

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*Freddy's POV*

"Let the kid go!" Chica said, holding me back by my arms from running forward through the door to chase after Bonnie. I only grunted in disagreement before twisting and turning to free myself, but God, Chica was way too strong. Her grip on my arms tightened, causing me to yelp in pain. She didn't seem to notice, though, or ignored it, because she tightened her grip even firmer, causing my eyes to water from the pain. She finally seemed to snap out of it, letting go of me quickly. I yelped as I fell forward onto the floor, groaning as I rolled over slowly onto my back. 

I sighed and muttered, "fine. But you're staying with me in here until Bon comes back."

She loomed over me and gave a bright smile, nodding. "Sure!"

I raised my hand up towards her, asking for her to help me up. She clasped my hand and pulled me up. I slid forward on my feet and nearly knocked into her, stumbling before regaining my balance. She had backed up and was laughing at me, which I didn't exactly appreciate. But I had to smile. Maybe it was a bit funny.

I sat down on the bed in Bon's room and waved Chica over to sit down beside me. She nodded and strode over to me and sat down in the empty space beside me, sighing gently and looking around the room with a quick glance. "So..."


"Er, how's it goin' with Bon?" she started, turning to me.

"It's going amazingly," I grinned goofily, getting another laugh out of her. 

"That's good. As long as you're both happy."

"We definitely are."

"You know somethin'?" she said, eyeing me a bit, as if she's wondering if she should tell me some secret or not.

"What?" I asked, hoping she would elaborate on this.

"You don't know much about Bon's past. I can tell you about it if you'd like," she offered. I perked up, nodding. She smiled softly before continuing on, "Bon was a really bright kid. He was witty and made everybody around him laugh and want to be his friend. And he did have many friends. He always surrounded himself with people and thought about others more than himself. If it mattered to them, it mattered to him. If they wanted to go somewhere, he'd tag along and pay for whatever it is they were going to pay for. He'd always ask our mother and father for the money, and he was such a good kid they never said no. But he didn't take advantage of that or let it get to him. He'd thank mother and father and only use it for what he told them he'd use it for. No lying. He hated liars. Especially when a liar lied to him. He could always tell somehow. You couldn't slip by him unless he knew someone was lying for a good reason and didn't want to press on and possibly hurt them. He cared about others so much and he still does..."

She was beginning to tear up, her eyes turning red. I could see her imagining her little brother, innocent and happy before his final night here at Freddy's. I grimaced, feeling bad. We all went through it, though none of us spoke of it; we very rarely ever did. 

"It's alright; he was and still is a great person." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, hugging her gently. She looked up at me and gave me a sad smile, in which I returned with a soft smile of my own. We then sat there in silence for a while. How long? I didn't know.

"Bon's really lucky to have you..." she whispered suddenly, surprising me. I looked down at her to see her staring forward at nothing, her eyes empty and dry. She must've stopped crying a while ago.

"He's even luckier to have a great sister like you," I whispered back, resting my head atop her head. 

She suddenly jumped, her eyes clouding over. I looked down at her, confused. I'm opening my mouth to ask her what's wrong when she slides off the bed's corner, hopping onto her feet and dashing out the room. My brain takes a moment to process it, but then I'm suddenly standing, forcing my feet to move forward after Chica. My brain commands it, but my legs disobey. Finally, as if by magic, I take a few steps forward, speeding up and running down the hall, my arms pumping at my sides through the air. I hear a sudden cry of an alarm, wailing and warning. 

Where would Chica be..? I thought. She has to be in...

The kitchen!

I slid across the floor and into the kitchen, pausing to take in gulps of air I had lost from running and panic. I looked up, expecting to see a fire or something worse. But it was only Chica with a towel, fanning away smoke rising from the oven. She coughed and squinted, opening the oven and pulling out an almost completely burnt tray of cupcakes with the towel to prevent burning her hand. She looked sad, pouting and closing the oven. Then, as she turned to throw the burnt desserts in the trash, she yelped, spotting me. She then looked sheepish, muttering, "sorry, I forgot I was baking cupcakes..."

I started to laugh, confusing her. I held my stomach and said between fits of giggles, "you scared me... over... cupcakes..?"

"A-ack! S-sorry!" she stuttered, though it was because she, too, began to laugh, joining me. Once we caught our breath I grinned at her. She pushed me in the arm playfully, making my grin even brighter. She then steered around me and threw the cupcakes out, shoving the tray into my hands. She crossed her arms. "I don't want to clean it. You do it."

"Sure." I gave her a small before walking over to the sink, cleaning it as she told me to. Once I finished I placed it on the counter, sighing and looking around.

"What's wrong?" she asked, coming to a stop beside me. 

"I just feel like something's wrong... But I don't know what..."

Suddenly there was a loud bang and a crash, startling us both. My eyes started tearing up as I realized what was wrong.


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