Chapter 13

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While he was out, I took that time to look through his pockets to try to find out who his "buddies" are.  When I got to his back left pocket, I looked in his wallet, I found a piece of paper taped to a bag of white powder.  I thought it was powder flour before I smelt it.  It was crack.

By being associated with drugs has made my decision on whether or not to turn him into the FBI.  I am now forced to turn him in.  He is breaking even more laws and I can not let my child be around that.  I would address him with this when he awoke.

He woke up the next day taped down........


I went to get my fix, the FBI found me.  This whole time, Jessi and I both thought they were the FBI, but they are much worse.  They sat on me and with a pocket knife, cut off my fingers.  They told me that I was going to pay for killing Robert, that I was going to pay for killing thier chief.  That was when I realized what Robert was, he was the chief of the HitMen!  And they were after me, and as long as I am with Jessi, I am putting her in danger.  I have to leave her.  But I lover her so much I don't want to.  However, I don't want to see her get hurt either.

I woke up and I could not move.  I looked down and I was taped to the wall.


"Oh hello drugy."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She holds up my bad of crack.

"Oh um that."

"Care to explain yourself?"

"Listen baby! The people who are after us, they are not the FBI!  They are Robert's crew of hitmen!"

"My uncle was not a hitman."

"Ye-wait what?!"

"Yes you killed my uncle Robert!  My only fucking uncle! And if that wasn't bad enough, you don't even notice that I am fucking pregnant.  Like seriously."  I was shocked because of two things.  One, I killed her uncle.  And two, she's pregnant.  How could I not notice?  Now that I think about it, it makes a whole lot of sense.  I mean seriously who could say no to this body?

"Jess I am sorry for lying and with holding all the facts from you, but please listen to me while I tell you the God honest truth."

"I am listening." I explained what happend that day second by second until there was no more to tell.


I listened to his story, I have to say, pretty interesting but I can't trust him.  He killed my uncle and killed a part of me.

"Jake I am sorry but I have to do what is right."  I took out my pocket knife and tossed it to the feet of this lying sack of shit and walked home.

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