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" Liam. Get up your laying in puke." I recognized the voice instantly and looked at her and noticed that Jewels and Jen was standing behind her. They had their arms crossed.  " Gross. You need to take a shower Liam." Jewels smirked and Jen held in a laugh.  I took my shirt off and stood up walking towards Taylor she blushed deeply. I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her waste. She bit her lip and i looked down at her. God that turned me on. "Aren't you going to join me?" I asked eyebrows raised. Taylor kissed my cheek. "Maybe later." She said smirking. She left my room the girls following her. "But. That's not fair!" I called after her. I heard her laugh along with them. Taking the rest of my cloths off I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. Rinsing my hair I felt two small arms wrapp around me and Taylor pressed her cheek on my back and I let out moan just to annoy her. She gasped at this and I turned to too see her stunned mouth wide open. I stuck my finger in her mouth and she pulled it out and wrapped my arms around her waste. "You've been a bad boy Harper." Taylor said smiling. I looked down at her lips and was imediantly pulled in. I pushed my body hard into hers and closed the gap between us kissing her. Her body was trapped between me and the shower wall. I picked her legs up and she wrapped them around me. Letting out a low moan I carried her out of the bathroom not bothering too turn off the water. Taylor laughed at me when I practicly through her on my bed. I kissed her lips and ran my nose down her kneck leaving purple bruises on her. Butterflys exploded in me when I heard her moan as well. I smiled finally stoped to breath.
He leaned over breathing like he'd just ran a marathon. He's deep blue eyes begging me to let him in. I knew he craved too be inside of me once again." Liam." I managed to get his name out. But couldn't say anything else for he closed my mouth with his lips. His kiss was strong and desprett. After wrapping my arms around his kneck I let him finish me. Finally, we one again.
If you don't know what it's like to hear your friends have sex, it's truly disturbing. I honestly think that they forgot we were here. I looked over at Jewels asleep on the couch and laughed. Wow. Such a friend. I decided it would be better If I stopped them now. Stomping as loud as possible, I headed up stairs. When I reached Liams room I winced at the sound of his deep voice moan. Wow that's almost hot. I knocked on the door loud enough too wake the dead. "Go away!" Liam yeld. I heard Taylor laugh and a loud smacking noise. "Ow! That hurt you know?" He said. Taylor was the one too finally open the door. Luckily she was wearing one of his clean shirts. It swallowed her up whole. "Get dressed. For real this time. Roadies will open in ten." I said notting the sparkly watch on her wrist. She looked at it and smiled shutting the door. I rolled my eyes and walked back down stairs too wake up jewels. She was spread all over the couch snoring softly. I smiled and shook her awake. Jewels groaned and threw a pillow at me. I laughed and pushed off the couch. She shreaked and stood up chasing me. "Um... guys. Areng we supost too be meeting at Roadies?" Liam asked walking down the stairs. Taylor followed behind him. She laughed and grabbed her purse off the coffee table. "Yea. Come on. Who's car we taking?" Jen asked. Liam smiled wildly. And Taylor looked at him wide eyed. "My challenger." He smiled and grabbed the keys. "Your not racing tonight are you?" Taylor asked worriedly. He smiled at her wildly. She rolled her eyes and mumbled ok under her breath.
When we got there it was already packed. The burger joint and the track. If you've never been too roadies then it's probably because you've never heard of it. Roadies is the burger joint but the actual racing track closed down years ago. But we still illegally race. Yep, we're idiots. I parked in between Ciel and Edgar. "Edgars here?" Jewels asked shocked. I was kind of shocked too. You would think his brother being dead and all that he wouldn't be here. Jewels got out of the car and ran over too his truck where he was leaning against it.
Why on earth is Edgar here? I wonder if he still in shock. I hope he's ok. "Hey. Edgar what are you doing Here? I heard about your brother are you-" I stopped when he turned too face me. His eye was swollen badly and bruised. He had a scratch above his eye. The look on Edgars face told me he was hurt. "Oh my God what happened?" I asked shocked. He backed away from me a little. "I heard about you and Juan. How's that going huh? He give you great kisses too?" A pain surged through my kneck where he had kissed me that night. He was drunk it wasn't your or his fault. I gulped hard swallowing regret. No, but you willingly made out with him behind his house. And it was even your idea. "You know what's sad? You don't even have the nerve too tell me you didn't. You can forget about what ever this was. It's over Jewelean." When Edgar said my real name my knees gave. Luckily Jen wrapped her arm around my back holding me up. Edgar walked away, his hands in his lettermans jacket I wore. I was going to miss that jacket.

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