08/11/17 1:47 p.m

7 2 0

Dear Diary,
         So, lunch was ok. We had pizza, french fries, and broccoli. I sat with my friends. La'Niyah actually ate everyone's food but mine. She has made so many friends today. She's just that type of person. Jayonna has made a couple new friends and she already got dirt on the thots in 9th grade she is really something else. Terrica however actually has most of her classes with me and we haven't really made any new friends. We really have just been talking to each other. But something bad happened when it was time for lunch. I was in line in front of a girl named Monae and she apparently is the most popular girl in school. She really is the typical diva. Ugh!

Ok so this chapter is super short because an explanatory chapter is coming afterwards. Love ya!

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