08/11/17 6:30 a.m

13 3 0

Dear Diary,
        Good morning! I'm so excited bruh! Its the first day of high school bruh! I'm going to stop writing bruh now........ But anyway I already know what I'm wearing I stayed up all the way to 11 something trying to read the whole dress code for my school. This school is going to be lit man! I'm taking you to school with me today. And every other day like I said you're my savior. I have to feed you every little detail. Hold up did you know we get out of school at 4:15! Like they are real talk tripping. Like bruh on ma! Oops I said bruh again. But yeah I'm going to wear all black and my red 5's. Im going to put my hair in a bow shaped pony tail. I'm going to be so cute today man. I really don't want to match a lot of people though because I chose to wear something so plain. I just want to make a very mellow first impression like hi I'm Shyanne and I'm cool, lowkey, and down to earth. Yeah I don't want to you know get everyone's attention. It's really not a problem with everyone's eyes being on me but I mean hey I'm really a chill girl. Like seriously I don't talk to anybody for real except my 3 besties. I know that was lame and pitiful but it's true. Like I don't want to be like some of these young thots. Out here dropping it low and picking it up throwing it back not knowing how to act popping they coochies while it's smelling like blue cheese. Ooh and I wrecked! Lol but yeah my friends twerk but they're far from thots. Yeah I'll talk to you later Diary.
                                           Shyanne <3

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