The Walk Home

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"Yeah Lee Myers is a good school but it's some awful people there." Jamie said while everyone was laughing. "I actually like it there." Shyanne smiled at Jamie. He flashed a smile back at her. "Y'all." Jayonna stopped. "I need a boyfriend." Everyone laughed at her."I'm happy with my man." Terri smiled as she stared in her phone. "Me too girl! He is just so sexy." La'Niyah put her phone to her chest and clutched it tight. "Shyanne." Jamie asked sounding a little concerned. "Yeah Jamie?" Shyanne seemed a little more anxious than she needed to be.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jamie's words rung in her head. "No. I don't have a boyfriend." Shyanne said a little nervously. "Oh, do you want one?" Jamie's face kind of lit up. "I don't know, maybe. I've been thinking and considering." Shyanne replied. "It wouldn't be hard for you because your really gorgeous. I don't believe anyone could turn you down." Jamie flashed a smile.
It sent so many emotions throughout her. She was doing somersaults inside her body. She simply responded with, "Thanks I actually think your really cute. I also think your quite sweet too." Shyanne walked a bit closer towards him. He put his arm around her, and she just completely melted. Terri, Jayonna, and La'Niyah acted like they didn't hear their whole conversation. Shyanne didn't care though, all she cared about was Jamie and the conversation.
La'Niyah decided to change the topic, "What time does your dad get off?" "Like 6. I guess." Shyanne shrugged. "So, Jamie your going to stay with us or what?" La'Niyah asked. "I mean....." He looked at Shyanne. "Yeah." Shyanne smiled hoping he didn't see her get overwhelmed. "Here it is home sweet home!" Shyanne danced a little making everyone laugh.
They entered the house and smelled a not too familiar smell. "Is that pumpkin spice?" Jayonna asked. "Girl that's cigarette smoke." La'Niyah giggled. "Don't nobody smoke cigarettes. We smoke that good gas!" Terri milly rocked. "Y'all smoke weed?" Shyanne asked shocked. "Yes girl, we didn't tell you because you a square." Terri said as she pulled the drugs out her bag.
"Nope! Put that up. If my daddy comes here and smells that he'll kill me." Shyanne pointed at Terri. "Ok whatever." Terri stuffed her drugs back in her bag. "Can I get a SQUARE!" "SQUARE!" Everybody shouted. "Man, whatever." Shyanne chuckled. She walked upstairs to go into her room. The girls started giggling and they all looked at Jamie. "What?" Jamie nervously chuckled. "You like Shyanne?" Jayonna said. "Jayonna!" Terri smacked her. "What I just want to know. So do you?" Jayonna turned back to Jamie.
"I mean she's cool or whatever." Jamie smiled and looked off. "Or whatever?" Jayonna looked confused. "Jayonna leave him alone." La'Niyah laughed. "I'm just trying to get in his business a little bit." Jayonna smirked. "Ooh! Jamie, I bet you won't go upstairs and see what she's doing." Terri jumped up. "I bet I won't." Jamie crossed his arms and sat back. "Scary!" Jayonna quietly yelled. "Scary? I'm not scary. Y'all tripping." Jamie said a little tense.
"Well do it then." Terri pointed to the steps. "Alright, bet." Jamie start going up the steps. Jamie continued until he got to the top and was in a hallway. 'Alright which way?' He thought to himself. He saw a room down the hall and to the left with a light on. He pushed the door open to find Shyanne laying on the bed shirtless. Shyanne shot up to see who had entered her room. She and Jamie made eye contact. Jamie stood there in shock not aware of what to do. Shyanne began to scream and then Jamie began to scream.
Still, he stood there staring at a shirtless Shyanne. Terri, Yonna, and Niyah ran up the steps to see what was happening. As soon as they entered the room they all started screaming too. Then, Niyah grabbed Jamie and pushed him out the room and slammed the door. Silence. No one knew what to say. Shyanne was fire truck red, and they knew Jamie was too.
"Oh my God." Niyah whispered. "Bruh, Jamie was definitely digging you in your bra." Yonna whispered. "More like he was terrified." Shyanne shoved her face in a pillow. "You screamed first. You probably scared him." Terri whispered. "I'm so embarrassed I could just die." Shyanne whispered with her face still in her pillow. "Its ok pookie. I'm going to get him." Niyah hurried out the door before Shyanne could say anything.
Jamie entered the room still a little red and shocked. Shyanne hurried and threw her shirt back on. "Come on girls we're going to leave them alone." Niyah opened the door. "Nope, we want to see what happens next." Yonna sat straight up. "I said come on girls we're going to leave them ALONE!" Niyah signaled them. "Fine." Terri got up and grabbed Yonna's hand. "So." Shyanne crossed her legs. "So." Jamie scratched his head. "That was wow." Shyanne looked completely mortified.
"Yeah, I mean it wasn't like I tried to see you in your bra, that's just disgusting. Well, I don't mean you in your bra, your sexy. But I don't mean in that way. But I mean if you want it to be in that way it could be. I mean-" "Just stop talking. We can just forget about it." Shyanne interrupted him. "Ok, if that's what you want." Jamie laid back on the bed. "Wait, when you said I was sexy did you mean it." Shyanne turned beet red. "Um, yes. Is that a bad thing?" Jamie turned red.
"No." Shyanne breathed in. "Oh, good." Jamie smiled. Shyanne turned around and laid back on the bed. "Did you like your first day of school?" Shyanne asked. "It was ok. The good thing was that I met you." Jamie responded. Silence. "I'm glad I met you too Jamie." Shyanne turned over and smiled at him.
He turned over and looked at her too. It was beginning to get romantic and awkward. "I should get going." Jamie sat up. "Yeah, my dad should be here soon anyway." Shyanne added. They went down the steps and headed toward the door. "See you tomorrow?" Shyanne opened the door for him. "Yeah, strange we started school on a Thursday, right?" Jamie began to leave. "That's what I said." Shyanne laughed. She entered her house and was quickly attacked by her friends, "I WANT EVERY DETAIL!" Terri grabbed Shyanne's arms. About 15 minutes and the girls were done listening to her.
"Shyanne, I'm about to go home." Terri grabbed her designer bookbag. "Well, alright see you later." Shyanne hugged her. "Shyanne you think your dad will let me spend the night?" Niyah asked. "Yeah, we'll take you to get clothes when he gets here." Shyanne answered. Soon, Yonna left and they went to get Niyah's clothes. "So, sweety how was your first day of school." Mr.Goodman asked. "It was great I made a new friend his name is Jamie." Shyanne's eyes lit up. "His? As in boy?" Mr.Goodman chuckled nervously. "Oh my God dad! I'm 15 for crying out loud." Shyanne pouted. "I know sweety, you know I get over protective sometimes." Mr.Goodman sighed. "I know dad. I'm your only daughter, and you don't want anything to happen to me." Shyanne mocked her father. "Thats right now go get some sleep. Tomorrow is the second day of school and you don't want to go to sleep in any of your classes." Mr.Goodman kissed his daughters' forehead. "Goodnight dad." Shyanne ran up the steps. "Goodnight Mr.Goodman." Niyah ran up the steps behind her. "Goodnight girls." Mr.Goodman sat down and started watching T.V. . "We all know that you're really going to sleep so you can wake up early and go see Jamie." Niyah teased Shyanne. "Girl shut up!" Shyanne blushed.

Quick Author Note
What's up y'all! If you're still reading my book then I deeply appreciate this. I think I'm going to do a author note on every detailed chapter. This is the most I've typed in this book ever actually. Besides the point, irrelevant, thank you for still reading possibly beyond this. Love you!!! P.s Shyanne took her shirt off because she got hot and that's why she went upstairs where her fan was located because the ac unit is temporarily off. Ironic😂


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