one: absquatulate

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deep love and respect.
worship; veneration

(contains cussing and more. So if u don't like that I wouldn't read)

       3rd person- 
           Jaeden always had a hard time at school and his classes, but he was a wonderful writer and his literacy teacher always gave him books to read.
Of course, Jaeden being Jaeden, he read every single one of those books. He would always listen to Green Day and panic at the disco. He was a nerd at heart but he hated himself, which his friends chosen,  Finn, and jack never knew why he hated himself because of that. They loved him.
His next door neighbor, Wyatt, on the other hand was a jock, he went out for the running team, football team, and basketball team. He's also a hockey player, but Wyatt only made football instead of basketball. Wyatt was always bringing girls to his room and playing the music so loud that the dogs would always bark. 

He annoyed Jaeden so much. Sometimes, Wyatt would even yell for Jaeden to come talk to Wyatt but Jaeden didn't care much for him. Jaeden was always in his books while Wyatt was always the wild card. Outside the one window in Wyatt and Jaeden's room, in the middle of their family's houses fell a very tall tree. Wyatt always used to come over from that tree when they were little and they would hang out, but ever since Wyatt met Stacey, his girlfriend since 3 years ago and joined football, he's changed.

      1st person- 
          I can't think at all or even read my book. He's so loud and he knows it. I wish he would just shut the fuck up. He really is an ass twat. I open up my window and throw a rock at Wyatt Oleff's window hoping to get his attention. He jerks the window up, almost breaking it and yells,
I scream back at him,
"Shut up, you're too loud!"
He turns the music up so loud that now the neighbors all the way down the road could hear it. I slammed my window closed and stormed off, I was so pissed. I just need my piece and quite to read.
I walk out of the house, and hop onto my bike. He can't bring his music to the library so I'll just stay there instead.
"Bye, mom!"
"Okay honey, be safe!"
On my ride down the road the music was getting quieter and quieter. Eventually it came to a stop where I couldn't hear it at all. My mind was so clear and it was so quite I could just sleep.
I walked over to my favorite corner where I see Finn Wolfhard, or how they like to call him 'Finn Dickhard' just because of how many girls he hooks up with but some say he's actually gay, which, I don't judge.
"Hey,  Jaeden."
"O-oh hey Finn"
"What're doing here?" He asked in suspicion.
"I'm here because Wyatt was playing his music so loud I could shoot myself and no one would hear."
Finn chuckled.
"Haha, yeah I heard he plays his music so loud maybe even the school could hear it." Finn joked.
"Yeah, that's actually so true."
"Hey, wanna be friends? Your fun to talk to." Finn asked in hopefulness.
"Sure. Do we have any classes together?"

       I was so happy that I was actually kind of friends with a cool dude. Well at least now. I have a friend.

"Yeah, I think we have math together. You know, 'Mrs. Manwort'." Finn laughed.
"Lmao yeah. By the way, nice nickname for her. I might die of laughter."
We both chuckled in delight of becoming friends.
"Well, I'm pretty sure Wyatt has stopped with the music now, so Ill see u in math."
"Bye, Jae-way."
We both waved goodbye.
I rode my bike  back home and there was no music, hopefully he wasn't home and left to go annoy someone else.
I stepped off my bike and went straight to the door. As soon as I walked in I saw Wyatt standing there with my mom. Both of them greeting me with wide smiles. Right then and there I almost died on the inside.

// this is prob a really small chapter, but I hope u guys like it, and this is my first fanfic ever.//

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