six: aesthete

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      Me and Wyatt were on our way to ice skating. It was an hour away. Great, an hour with Wyatt in the car.

"so, what are you boys gonna do if you don't want to ice skate anymore?" my mother said.

      Mom can you back out? Me and Wyatt were having a moment in the car. But, we were literally just sitting there in the silence.

"uh, we might go out to get hot chocolate or something like that." Wyatt said clearly, but, softly.

"that's sounds fun."


       After that all three of us just sat in the silence, then, my mom turned the radio up and there was a love/sad song on the radio. I glanced at Wyatt expecting him to already be looking at me. He was. I then turned to look out the window just mesmerizing all of the trees and watching the cars pass by with the wind blowing. Then, I noticed the music stopped. I felt something hit up on my face. I opened my eyes to see the main window busted open and my mom passed out in the front seat. I scrambled over to get to Wyatt.

"wy? why, are you okay?"

      No answer. He was passed out. I kept trying to wake him up. The car was flipped over on the side of the interstate. We had no way out and it would take two hours for the ambulance to come. I had to do something. I climbed up to the front passenger seat.

"mom? mom, are you awake?"

       No answer. I was the only one awake. I saw that Wyatt had blood streaming from his forehead and his arm was stuck under something. I climbed back to my seat and tried to lift the thing trapping his arm. I couldn't. It was too heavy. My phone was on the floor, more like on the ceiling. I picked it up and called 911 and told them exactly what happened. I then told Finn and Jack.


you started a chat with Jdog🐶 and Finn Dickhard🍆.

me: I'm in a car crash and Wyatt and my mom are passed out.

Jdog🐶: omg! call the ambulance! what r u doing texting us?!

Finn Dickhard🍆: jae? are you okay?

me: yes yes I'm fine but Wyatt isn't.

Finn Dickhard🍆: did you call the ambulance?


Finn Dickhard🍆: dude. I already said that.

me: yes, but I gotta go find a way out of this car.

you ended a chat with Jdog🐶 and Finn Dickhard🍆.


I broke the window next to me to get out of the car. As I was sliding out of the window I got cut on glass and it was deep. The only thing I worried about was my mom and Wyatt. When I got out of the car I saw that the gas was leaking and the car was about to blow up. I ran on the other side of the car, picked up a large rock and started hitting the car with it as hard as I could. It didn't work. I saw lights down the interstate, but there wasn't enough time. I see Wyatt's eyes open up.

"Wy? Wy!"

"jae? what's going on?"

"we got into a crash and the car is about to blow up. I can't lose you Wy."

"neither can I but we have to help your mom too."


I saw Wyatt climb to the front and grab my mom by her shoulders and lifted her up and hurried to get to the busted window. I rushed over to that side to help him, but his foot was stuck on something and he couldn't move. I grabbed my mom and pulled her out, not realizing glass got stuck into her back.

"Wyatt? Are you okay? Can you get out?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure I can get out."

The next thing I know, I saw the ambulance lights right in front of me and Wyatt was still inside. All I could see was black. I heard a loud beeping noise going beep.....beep......beep. I could see a light through my eyelids and the room was cold with plastic like blankets on me. I opened my eyes to see a nurse standing in front of me and the dark cold room. Wyatt wasn't there, but, my mom was. And so was my dad.

(a/n yes this is probably really bad but oh well. I'm having a terrible week, and I also wrote this at the dentist lmao)

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