Chapter Five - The Forbidden Prophecy

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I flipped onto my back. I am almost old enough to be an apprentice and I will not be treated like this anymore! I thought, but just as I did flip over, he clawed at my face.

"Stop!" I demanded but Deathkit kept going. Luckily, his claws weren't all that sharp. Bloodkit just kept guard, making sure no one was coming. Kicking and biting, I tried to defend myself.

"You're such a liar, a weakling! You would never make it through the Hunger Games! Not even a day!" Deathkit spat at me. I snapped at his muzzle but he shot his head back. Clawing at his eyes, he sliced back at me.

Suddenly, Deathkit slashed my cheek and my face swung to the side. "Screw off Deathkit!" A mewl came from the nest over one. It was Coldkit, one of Runningbrook's kits. Haykit and Heatherkit were his littermates.

"Weren't you supposed to be guarding, Bloodkit?" Deathkit snapped. Bloodkit only shrugged.

My brother faced the small kit. "Don't tell me what to do." Deathkit hissed, lashing his fluffy tail. I took my chance and kicked him off of me. He fell right onto Bloodkit.

I dipped my head to Coldkit and tore away, tripping over my own paws. I halted and skidded in the mud, running into Rowansting.

Scrambling away, I felt all eyes on me. I could feel his eyes burning into my back as I bolted away. Being distracted and unaware, I headed for the camp entrance.

Bloodkit and Deathkit ran after me, but before I could get tackled, I was out of camp. I didn't stop there, even though Bloodkit and Deathkit did. I rushed away, pelting as fast as I could into the unknown forest. I headed upward, around two hills, and few trees. Pelting onward, my legs began to fail and cramp up. I headed to the lake, turning toward a hill. I stopped running and just trotted.

I came to the lake and saw a stream in between two high hills. I trotted up it, surprised at how good I could run already. I'm a natural BreezeClan warrior! I smirked and kept to the streams edge, watching the water swirl by quietly.

Following the stream upward, I came to a small pool. An image flashed into my mind of paw prints that weren't actually there. It was as if someone was telling me that there was supposed to be a trail of paw prints up to here.

Looking into it's shimmering, cool-looking water, it seemed to look endless. It made my mouth water so I reached down to take a few laps at it.

I didn't even taste it, I instantly fell asleep.


I woke up in a gloomy, windy field. I stood up from the grassy field I was laying in, and I stalked through it. Where am I? I pondered, heading forward. I took random steps, eyes narrowed to a slit and my heart pounding.

Was that water poisoned? Am I dead? I gasped and full blown ran through the field. I'm dead!

"Hello?" I yowled to no one in particular. I rushed through the field, the long grass whipping my face and legs. Being too short, I had to hop around to see above the long grass. "Is anyone here? Where am I?" I called out, but no one seemed to be around. No one answered my calls.

I halted at the top of a hill, looking down on the view as if I were a leader looking down on my Clan. Up there, the grass was slicked down, waving in the warm breeze. The smell of heather and greenleaf made me feel welcomed, but not one cat came out to welcome me.

"Hello?" I called once again. A head popped out of a cave. More came out of other hiding spots and I suddenly felt outnumbered and innocent.

The cats started murmuring to each other and they then casually trotted toward me. They didn't look like normal cats with their glittering pelts and faded bodies. Stardust was swirling around their paws and their scent made me dizzy, smelling of stone and water.

"Wh-who are you?" I stammered, backing away with my pelt raised in hostility.

An unfamiliar blue she-cat came up first, then a flaming orange cat. A fluffy, white cat with bright yellow eyes came to stand and a grey tom, too.

A black and white tom showed up, about the size of an apprentice. A she-cat with brindle fur came too. Another grey she-cat with a flat face and anger in her eyes came; I was frightened by her. She looks like she could be a great fighter!

A brown, sleek tom came with a crooked jaw. He must have been a medicine cat with a jaw like that! A tortoiseshell she-cat came with bright green eyes. She looked like a queen, a sweet one who loved kits and helping people.

A backed away as a huge, golden cat came, his fur as fluffy as a lions' mane. He should've been named Lionclaw or Lionfur, he could've been a strong warrior, maybe even a leader! A light brown cat came, his fur sleek as if he swam a lot. He almost looked the same as the crooked-jawed cat.

A black and white tom with a long tail came, his eyes dark amber. He should be named Longtail! And finally, another tortoiseshell came, this time a tom, with a red tail. He should've been named Redtail!

"Who are you?" I whispered, my eyes darting from one cat to another.

"I am Bluestar, once the leader of ThunderClan." The blue she-cat replied, her head high. The flaming orange cat with bright green eyes came next, dipping his head kindly.

"I'm Firestar, once leader of ThunderClan as well." He gave me a kind smile. Then the flat-faced she-cat came. "I am Yellowfang, once the medicine cat of ThunderClan and ShadowClan." The crooked-jawed cat stepped forward. "My name is Crookedstar, once leader of RiverClan."

The black and white tom with the very long tail spoke next, "I was once the leader of WindClan, I am Tallstar." I nodded to them.

"I thought you would be a medicine cat, Crookedstar, with your injury and Yellowfang, you look like a scary warrior..." I whispered, suddenly confused. My tail flicked back and forth and my whiskers trembled in curiosity.

The loving she-cat stepped in front of me. "The rest of us are from the Clans as well, but it doesn't matter. This is StarClan. We never thought we would see another live cat again." The tortoiseshell she-cat with brilliant golden eyes sighed. "Are you a queen?" I asked, tilting my head to the side and ignoring what she said.

Yellowfangs' tail twitched and Bluestar nudged her. "She's only a kit." She growled and Yellowfang sized me up, "A newborn kit, for that matter." My ears went flat to my head. Opening my mouth to let out a retort, I unsheathed my claws just as the kind she-cat interrupted me.

"Anyway," The tortoiseshell she-cat cleared her throat, glaring at Yellowfang.

She turned back to me, "I was once a medicine cat actually. But please listen to me, Icekit." Warning edged her tone and I perked my ears up and listened attentively.

I nodded and swallowed back the many questions that I wanted to ask so badly. I began shuffling my feet, wanting to badly to speak.

"BloodClan was never meant to take over the four Clans, ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan," She began. Her tone made my fur prick up in fear. So that's the names of the four Clans!

"Yet, Ice will grow around the territories with the Feather at it's feet. Blood will be no more, they will suffer their defeat."

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